The title of the Project is "WordoScope- what do words say about Horoscope. The project was developed from data which had a set of words. This data was collected from 2200 horoscopes and had words...
This interactive project uses text mining and data visualization techniques to reveal new patterning insights of the ancient Chinese text I-Ching from both divinatory and philosophical...
Bonsai, is one of the traditional Chinese fine arts. Plants and rocks comprise the basic materials
for artwork that expresses natural landscape in a small basin.
The emotion...
Presented in the form of timeline: Decorative art of book in China which are classified according to different materials and forms,
Binding styles of Chinese ancient books mainly include oracle...
How different are the songs from each year?
This is a data visualisation showing the evolution of Billboard's top-charting music between 2007 and 2017. This was originally a university...
This work is based on the age, each time period has a different way of operation, from the joystick to the VR, while using the equipment of each era and a representative game as an auxiliary...
Inspired by abundant fruit production in Taiwan throughout the year, the idea of making an infographic with the timely delicacies comes to mind. This infographic is actually a calendar which...
A nostalgic and quirky look at the Mr Men books which answers the crucial analytical questions: what colour were they all and which ones had different colour noses? "Trilogy" extends to muppets,...
A visualization of national anthems in the world.
Nowadays, a massive amount of data about the economy, education, environment, history, etc. were put together to recognize a country. A national...
This visualization (interactive version here) is a musical history of one of my favorite artists: Bruce Springsteen. It focuses on his 200 songs and 17 original studio albums over a 45 year career....
The project was timed to coincide with the centenary of the execution of Emperor Nicholas II and his family. It focuses on the remaining members of the Romanov dynasty who emigrated after the...
Do you remember playing with the coins of your parents and the journeys they spoke of? Now you have the chance to do the same thing again, but this time with a lot more coins belonging to one of...
Apple becomes the first publicly-listed U.S. company to reach a market value of $1 trillion, a major milestone in a decade of stock gains fueled by the iconic iPhone. Here's a look at how the...
The project shows a data vizualisation of all curse words and deaths used in recent Quentin Tarantino's movies, from Reservoir Dogs to Django Unchained. They are listed according to the time of the...
As Avengers assemble with characters from all corners of the Marvel universe, this graphic will tell you who fights whom, who has a hellish sister, and more.
This is an infographic comparing and contrasting two of the most popular social media apps, Snapchat and Instagram. This piece follows a timeline orientation and shows the different milestones each...
"Films Around the Clock Under the Midnight Sun" explores the schedule of the Midnight Sun Film Festival organised in 2018. Data for this visualisation consists of the last published schedule of the...
If we take the pleasure and abstractness of the senses when we appreciate music in the daytime and use the physical model to image the emotion on the crystal, you will get a great feast. The...