Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art practiced for its health benefits. The Chinese believe that slow body movement helps to gather invisible energy from the universe and harmonizes the body. We...
This work is a scientific information chart, its main popular science object is Salt Lake.
This infographic mainly introduces the related knowledge of salt lake by taking "chaka salt lake" in...
In the twenty years since its 1998 release, Joel and Ethan Coen's neo-noir buddy comedy 'The Big Lebowski' has emerged as a cult sensation. A yearly festival is devoted to the film and its...
A tribute to Anthony Bourdain, this work visualizes all the places that Bourdain visited and shared with the world through his television shows---A Cook's Tour, No Reservations, The Layover, and...
Bronze is the earliest alloy in the history of metal smelting. Adding tin or lead alloy to pure copper has special importance and historical significance. Bronze is found all over the world...
Missing masterpieces draw headlines, but most stolen art is crushingly quotidian-a family portrait "lost" by a moving company, a landscape snatched with the jewelry during a break-in. The FBI's...
Presented in the form of timeline: Decorative art of book in China which are classified according to different materials and forms,
Binding styles of Chinese ancient books mainly include oracle...
Through the black background, the precision of the line drawing creates a sense of precision, like a sketch to draw the feeling of information icon. This article summarizes the types of running...
It is a visualization of the national anthem of China. From left to right, top to bottom, it visualizes the entire song and lyrics. The lyrics of Chinese characters are not complete characters but...
Radiohead has been my favorite band for a while, so I am used to people politely suggesting that I play something “less depressing.” Much of Radiohead’s music is undeniably sad, and this post...
The title of the Project is "WordoScope- what do words say about Horoscope. The project was developed from data which had a set of words. This data was collected from 2200 horoscopes and had words...
The project was timed to coincide with the centenary of the execution of Emperor Nicholas II and his family. It focuses on the remaining members of the Romanov dynasty who emigrated after the...
This is not a graphic experiment to represent Beethoven's work, but a precise research that attempts to narrate the musical and stage performance by the Quartetto Sincronie. So we decided to tell...
The food industry profits from providing poor quality foods, with poor nutritional value, that people eat a lot of.
Thankfully we have The Michelin Guide | Main Countries of Europe...
Timeline of the history of an iconic character of Russian classic cartoon Cheburashka. He is an "animal unknown to science", with large monkey-like ears. First appeared in 1966 book and 1969 film,...
Food safety is a popular issue that people have been paying attention all the time, which the pesticide residues in fruits have directly endangered the survival environment and health of human...
A visualization of national anthems in the world.
Nowadays, a massive amount of data about the economy, education, environment, history, etc. were put together to recognize a country. A national...
The visualisation shows the 50 most voted animated feature films on Imdb (Internet Movie Database); for each picture are reported the number of votes received, the average value of the judgments,...
The emotion...
A visual exploration of the trajectory of success for 25 of the most loved (and most unloved) movie franchises.
The 'falling stars' chart shows each movie's audience and box office success,...
"Films Around the Clock Under the Midnight Sun" explores the schedule of the Midnight Sun Film Festival organised in 2018. Data for this visualisation consists of the last published schedule of the...
Star Wars: The Last Jedi is the biggest movie ever to create such a dramatic divide between critics & audience. (93% critics vs 56% audience). But which other films have been loved by critics,...
Design form: designed in the form of information chart, the whole work is 70cm wide and 567cm high, in the form of vertical scroll.
Design content: to seven different era style "permanent" word...
This flow visualisation allows you to follow the castaways from Australian Survivor, Season 2 through their alliances and eliminations of until there is only one 'sole survivor'. The twists and...