The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) is a business loan program established by the United States federal government in 2020 to help certain businesses, self-employed workers, sole proprietors,...
"The Arabian Oil Trade" is a data-driven exploration of Saudi Arabia’s role in global crude oil exports. Ever wondered where the oil in your car originates? This visualization takes you on a...
Sankeys are often requested in business analytics but rarely utilized effectively. This dashboard was my attempt at including a Sankey to show how the customer call center experience flowed with...
Banca Intesa Processes is an exploratory business analytics application that allows the organization to explore and audit risk management data to understand and manage the complexity. The...
The Asana PM Swift sources data from the project management software, Asana, for a dashboard to help teams view their workload at a glance. As businesses and teams face increasingly complex...
The Russia-Ukraine conflict has highlighted the intricate nature of global supply chains, a complex network connecting nations and propagating disruptions to distant regions. Previous studies often...
A fictional infographic created with data used in the book: the results of a consumer survey about a food company's new yoghurt, highlighting the two items consumers thought were most relevant, and...
Metroverse is an urban economy navigator built at the Growth Lab at Harvard University. It is based on over a decade of research on how economies grow and diversify and offers a detailed look into...
The dashboard serves as an interactive tool for HR data analysts. Within an organization, people frequently move from one team to another or shift between departments. This dashboard helps users...
You don't care about your health until you get sick. You don't care about your pension funds until you retire.
That's wrong on so many levels! So, let's change it!
The financial education in...
This was my submission to the Real World, Fake Data (#RWFD) Tableau community challenge for June 2023. The challenge was to show the mobility of employees within an organization in an effective...
The Tableau Cloud Usage Swift takes disparate data from Tableau Cloud for a visual analytics tool to help users understand their dashboard portfolio adoption at a glance. Developed with advanced...
Sea level rise and cyclones. Supply chain shocks and cyber-attacks. Global insurance losses from disasters both natural and man-made are soaring. In the US alone, Moody’s data shows that losses...
Data in business often supports decision-making, but it also holds the power to foster profound human connections. By harnessing data as a creative medium, a data visualization designer can...
The world's transition to a lower-carbon economy will radically transform global production. Decarbonization presents a defining opportunity for economic growth, by creating new industries,...
At the end of 2021, we created a visualization of our work for our annual greeting card and it worked so well that it launched a new tradition at Voilà:. Each year, we would create something...
There are hundreds of organizations in Europe working in fields related to the concept of “Civic Education”. They somehow contribute to providing a set of civic competencies to manage social...
There are large discrepancies among European nations in the representation of women in management boards. A new law in the European Union requires listed companies to meet gender balance targets on...
I am a self-taught developer learning data visualisation and the energy company I am using provide an API to get my energy usage and tariff data. However, the website of the energy company doesn't...
This data visualization provides insights on the attrition trends in an organization with several breakdowns by department, job role, demographics, and survey scores. The glassmorphism design and...
There is no one interface that will address all needs. Chart choosers (such as in Excel) allow for rapid selection of chart forms. Shelf-builders (such as Tableau) allow for rapid data exploration....
How the robot Jack the Checker can help insurance companies with invoice audit.
Insurance companies get lots of invoices that they ought to check for errors before they pay. This audit is a...
The data shows the quality indication of Robosta coffee based on the country of production. Robusta coffee is a type of quality that is produced and consumed in different parts of the globe. The...
This project depicts the evaluation data of our university between Winter 2015 and Summer 2018, it was created in late 2019. 3652 courses were evaluated by the students of FH Aachen and our project...
The visualization is created using Tableau software, and some design elements are created with MS PowerPoint. The viz uses sample superstore data available in Tableau Desktop and delivers a...
A solar energy dashboard showing insights into the distribution and utility of solar cells across the U.S. state of Ohio, as well as the solar power generated and more.
Created by Shreya Arya...
Onboarding is the process of introducing newly hired employees to our organization's expectations, behaviours, and culture. COVID-19 has permanently altered how we work, and consequently, it has...
This Email Campaign Dashboard offers an overview of key email campaign metrics, alongside a calendar view and a temporal trends view, to provide insight into the overall success of email campaigns....
Data visualization project for Al Majalla magazine, published in April 2024. This cartographic data visualization consists of two main maps. The first serves as the focal point of the...
At the end of 2021, we created a visualization of our work for our annual greeting card and it worked so well that it launched a new tradition at Voilà:. Each year, we would create something...