Almost everyone has fond memories of Big Bird, Elmo, and the Cookie Monster. And it turns out that these programs were not only fun to watch, they actually help young children learn. Children under...
In less than five decades the once vibrant Motor City lost more than half its population and gained a reputation as a failed metropolis of abandoned buildings, widespread poverty, and rampant...
Complex technology which began with Conceptual ideas, small experiments, pilot projects and finally the entrepreneurial investment itself.
This is a self-directed project to celebrate the 30th...
The project is a visual analysis of the letters written by Vincent van Gogh to his brother Theodorus ("Theo") between 1873 and 1890.
For each letter an automatic linguistic extraction has...
Color research in movies. We held a survey concerning colors presented in several films by means of calculating the amount of one or another color shade appearing during the whole movie. That's how...
I spent a week on the couch with Tarantino’s oeuvre, watching people die and swear a blue streak. When someone was killed by a gun or a sword or a venomous snake, or someone was called a...
The artwork shows the 100 most valuable brands from 2010 to 2015.The size of the circles represents the value of the brand while the lines show the fluctuation in ranking year after year. Some...
In two centuries, the world has been dramatically transformed by a series of interconnected moments-the breakthroughs, creations, discoveries, innovations, revolutions and momentous human...
A graphic history of The Hour Record, cycling's Blue Riband event. The Limited Edition print places all the previous holders of the 127 year old competition at their respective distances as well as...
Although has radiowaves reaching over 100 lightyears into space, due to the Inverse Square Law of Propagation, any terrestrial radio broadcast would become nothing but background...
A visualization of the ethnicities of the directors and actors of the 1000 highest rated movies on IMDB (February 2016). The idea originated from the debate of #OscarsSoWhite on social media. Thus,...
Between January 1st and November 15th 2014 in Costa Rica, 7,957 earthquakes were recorded. That is an average of 25 a day, this is a visual analysis of that data.
Film production from 2005 to 2011: The first thirty ranked countries were considered, also highlighting 100% national film production.The flows were represented as if they were sedimentations...
The information graphic for the Burckhardt+Partner agenda shows 116 projects in the first quarter 2015. Size and colours give an insight into project volumes and the varied compositions of the...
Cartographers are tasked with making the physical world understandable through graphical display. Abstract spatial data is given context and translated through elements such as north arrows, scale...
More than 12,000 people in Germany are currently waiting for a transplant operation. This project looks at organ donation from the point of view of both donors and recipients, visualising the...
Originally held at Olympia in Greece between the 8th century BC and the 4th century AD, the Olympic Games returned in 1896 after a 1500 year hiatus. A few sports have been featured on every...
This analysis by University of Oxford researchers of previous outbreaks shows that the death rate has been greater than 33 percent and that there is often more than one cluster of infections,...
This piece was originally created as a 40th birthday gift for a friend who loves baking. I loved the idea of giving her a playful piece of art she could hang in her kitchen. I created all edible...
MHA@GW, the online master of health administration offered through the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University, created this data visualization to compare...
All Olympic Games go over budget. In fact, they are the only type of mega-project in the world to do so. These graphs show the total cost of 18 Summer and Winter Olympics held between 1968 and...