This infographic shows the speed, depth and scale of Russian military diesel-electric submarines, nuclear-powered ballistic missile subs, and nuclear-powered attack subs. Only active submarines are...
The book “The Atlas of Gentrification” is a collection of data visualizations, graphs and maps which respond to the phenomenon of gentrification and related issues, such as segregation and income...
The German Digital Library provides access to a continuously growing collection that is part of the digital cultural heritage of German cultural and academic institutions. This project attempts to...
When presenting something new, there’s usually no way past a PowerPoint-packed workshop. Deutsche Post DHL Group has taken a more innovative tack to market its sustainability-building DHL...
Everyday is a World Day of something. These special days pass through a wide variety of subjects : scourges, diseases, society trends, consumption habits... Sometimes serious or harsh and sometimes...
The Subspotting project captured the cell phone reception for the 4 major carriers (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint) along the 660 miles of the New York City Subway. Subspotting is the first...
Big Data techniques and data from over 300,000 cellphone users living in Barcelona, duly aggregated and anonymized, provided the basis for a new map of commuting patterns in the city. Specifically,...
With the ‘Cymascope,’ sound can be transformed into an image to visualise the sound of birds like the forest, developing a method for translating the frequency of bird calls into...
Budget cuts can be a little befuddling, which is why for the 2015 Spending Review we wanted to create something that was easily accessible and understandable for everybody – whilst still being...
Narration, even fictional, contains a network of interacting characters. Constituting a well defined corpus, the eleven Shakespearean tragedies can easily be compared by visualising how the...
Our collaboration tool enables audiences at live events to brainstorm, share ideas and respond to presentations in real time. Stimulating collaborative thought, Talkviz engages audiences and...
The infosphere* relies on an intricate network of signals, wired and wireless, that support it. We are completely surrounded by an invisible system of data cables and radio signals from access...
On March 14th celebrate Pi Day. Hug π—find a way to do it. For those who favour τ=2π will have to postpone celebrations until July 26th. Some of these folks will argue that π is wrong. If...
An historical overview on the visualization of data and information. Visualization is a language that could be defined as almost universal, something that makes it possible to translate data and...
In the 2014/15 concert season programme, the »Symphonieorchestra des Bayerischen Rundfunks« offers a peek behind the curtain. Here is a selection of the 21 infographics. Formula One in the concert...
Holobiont Urbanism is a research endeavor that sets out to study, map, and visualize the microbiome of New York City, in order to reimagine the city as more than a vast metropolis, but rather as a...
“Made By Numbers” is a project that uses our company’s own 2014 data to generate a unique, artistic output representing our brand. We mined a year of HUSH’s data and used it to design a physical /...
During the Climate Conference we published 3 visualizations on the impact of human CO2 emissions. A simulation in which the ‘bubble rate’ reflects the actual CO2 emission rate makes the different...
News Stream Live visualizes the steady stream of news on Spiegel Online - one of Germany’s most-read news pages – and the reactions in social media.
Based on different views it can be seen the...
PhotoViz is a presentation, curriculum and book about the overlap between photography and data visualization. From a talk at Webstock, the concept matured into a class at NYU’s ITP before being...
Drawing on 10,000 videos from the internet, Network Effect explores the psychological impact of Internet use on humanity. The project contains 10,000 video clips, 10,000 spoken sentences, news,...
In June 2013 the scale of government mass surveillance of agencies, like NSA and GCHQ, were leaked by Edward Snowden. This project intends to raise awareness by designing a fictional monitoring...
Guided by experts, ProPublica calculated death and complication rates for surgeons performing one of eight elective procedures in Medicare, carefully adjusting for differences in patient health,...
Take a 360 degree virtual tour of our Solar System, with the help of astronomer and Crash Course host Phil Plait! From start to finish, the viewer is guided through from Planet to Moon to Meteor,...