A look at the change in the amount of sea ice in the Arctic over the last four decades. In reviewing the data, it struck me that I could convey the numbers in an arctic aesthetic, allowing the...
Trends in sea-ice thickness and volume are an important indicator of Arctic climate change. While sea ice thickness observations are sparse, here we utilize a ocean-ice model, PIOMAS (Zhang and...
Two barrel graphs depicting CO₂ concentration of the atmosphere and the global temperature anomaly since 1958 and how they are rising with each other.
Data is from GISS Surface Temperature...
For traditional Chinese medicine, many people have misconceptions that traditional Chinese medicine has no scientific basis and is very old and will be eliminated. But in today's China, traditional...
New research shows how automation will affect American cities and professions. The researchers calculated the average likelihood that a job will be automated in the coming decades, and then...
This infographic reflects our evolving awareness of space, showing discovery and exploration of planets in our solar system, and the recent accelerated pace of exoplanet discoveries driven by new...
This is an infographic I came up with for a college project . One of the topics given was ‘Conservation efforts in India’; we had to create information design on products or systems used for the...
Water is ever present on Earth and vital to life as we know it. Within our solar system water can be found on other worlds and will be essential for future attempts at expansion.
China's military increasingly prosperous, in view of the theme of One Belt And One Road.We aimed at China's air-to-air missile technology for data analysis.According to system data and the model...
From the minute a person quits smoking, their body goes into healing mode. I designed a temporal timeline of how their body is healing itself. My approach to this graphic is not a scientific...
These animated maps show how the warming climate is bringing ticks and lyme disease to Maine. This distills mountains of climate data into high density graphical displays.
Cybersecurity content is often in service of a product. It is a young industry built on top of funding rounds, valuations and products. As an end user of cyber security solutions, it's not always...
This is a portrait of the Earth in time and space – designed to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Voyager missions which departed Earth in 1977 bearing a record of our existence etched into...
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have defied easy categorization since they burst into the public consciousness last year, fueling an intense debate over how they should fit into the average...
Timeline of the Far Future – an interactive web experience invites users to the macroscopic world that visualizes events spanning from the beginning of the 11th millennium to the furthest reaches...
A data visualisation of Common Swift nesting sites in Amsterdam and how the UK could learn lessons form protecting the Swift breeding sites to help conserve the species.
In 2017, the department of Market Analysis of the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG approached YAAY for a collaboration on a project about the egg market. We were given a massive load...
In China, there are three expressways that are among the most in the world. He has crossed most of the country and has gathered the wisdom and sweat of many laboring people. After his success, the...
Designed as an A4 printed giveaway graphic for delegates as well as a vehicle for presentation purposes at the COP23 Climate change meeting in Bonn. This is an update on previous graphics to...
Information visualization for La Lettura, Il Corriere della Sera
Date of publication: 29|04|18
The visualization shows an overview of the cryptocurrencies market in April 2018. It relates...
Academic affinities are one of the most fundamental hidden dynamics that drive scientific development. Some affinities are actual, and consequently can be measured through classical academic...
Illustration of 102 significant volcanic eruptions of last 18 years based on dataset by National Centers for Environmental Information (https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/hazard/volcano.shtml)....
Medical School is extremely competitive. You need to have nearly perfect grades and MCAT scores. Then there is an overwhelming number of schools to consider. Inspired by Priestley this chart tries...