Over recent decades life expectancy in the UK has risen, yet the onset of age-related disability has not kept pace. The ‘20 Year Gap’ gives a physical form to this data-driven insight. The height...
For this data art project, I looked at the last 10 years of recorded racially-motivated crimes in London.
Each of the circular shapes corresponds to 100 hate crime incidents reported to the...
The purpose of my infographic is to provide a visual representation of the number of projects, total amount of work hours and technology used during a specific period of time. But most importantly,...
Dataviz Inspiration aims to be the largest collection of chart examples online.
It currently features around 200 of the most beautiful and impactful dataviz projects I know.
Think of it as...
Data design created with the seven highest summits of each continent - Everest, Kilimanjaro, Aconcagua, Mc Kinley, Elbrus, Massif Vinson and Puncak Jaya - stretched between 4,884 m and 8,848 m....
Exoflags is a system that generates flags for newly discovered planets by using data collected about them.
To date, NASA and Caltech’s exoplanet archive contains data on 4,044 confirmed planets...
This platform brings together a number of experiments created in-house by CLEVER°FRANKE that explore different visualization techniques, tools and code libraries. The projects harness several...
Cairn aims at understanding the variety of practices in third spaces. It explores alternatives to questionnaires and other traditional evaluation techniques by stressing aesthetic, affective and...
This poster visualizes all the tasks I completed on my to-do list for an entire year. I collected the data through my Notion workspace, where I keep track of everything I do daily. This allowed me...
What if machines could write stories?
What are the boundaries between creativity and automation? These are the questions I asked myself when I started working on 'Grimmz' - a fairy-tale generator,...
This is the third piece in a triptych of three titled MAD (Music-Astronomy-Drugs). There is a shared musical, celestial, and psychedelic quality to all three pieces. Here I depict the safety (or...
The number of cases is rising, more and more people are dying and yet: we read and write mainly about statistics and hardly about people. How can we bring humanity back to the emotionless...
My project represents a unique intersection of art, technology, and social consciousness. By transforming abstract economic and social data into a physical installation, I have created an immersive...
My Plastic Footprint is a physical data visualisation project.
It began in an attempt to understand my own plastic use. For one year, I kept and recorded every piece of plastic I would normally...
This piece looks at the newly released Google Quick, Draw dataset of over 50 million doodles and focuses on the length of time it takes the ameatur artists to draw a selection of these doodles. The...
This chart shows the nutritional ingredients in McDonald's food in a fun way. Each portrait represents one item on the McDonald's menu. According to Shape.com, the classic hamburger is the...
‘Life under curfew’ is an interactive real life data experience created by and for the residents of Dandora, an informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya.
When Covid-19 hit Kenya in the spring of...
During 2021–2022 I engaged on a personal project hoping to deepen my knowledge and experience in data visualization. I wanted to experiment with different tools, graph types and presentations. I...
These visualisations are fully-interactive graphs of Japanese kanji by their constituent radicals. Kanji can be viewed grouped by school grade when they are taught, as well as by topic. In each...
Mercury Retrograde is something I just got into this year and have found super interesting. Basically, 3 or 4 times a year, the planet Mercury does this weird thing where it looks like it's moving...
Air pollution is one of the most serious problems of our time. Polluted air harms animals and plants and affects human health, yet many still do not realize how dangerous the consequences can be....
This AR visualization is an attempt to transcend traditional static displays and immerse visitors in the stark reality of ocean plastic pollution. The experience aims to educate and inspire action...
Commissioned by Pingan technology, Emerge designed and built an interactive experience based around company’s patent records, aiming to make the data touchable and memorable. Using realtime...
"This is not a graph" is an internal initative created by the Creative and Design team of the Kantar Health Paris office.
The title "This is not a Graph" is inspired from "This is not a pipe",...
As data visualisations have ‘the potential for meaning-making’ (Engebretsen and Kennedy, 2020), it is important for the general public to have expertise with the fuzziness of data (Cairo, 2017)...
Taylor Swift is an unstoppable force. “The queen of pop,” “the best storyteller of our time,” a “calculating artist” and “a polarizing celebrity.” Whether you love her or hate her, you know...
The intersection of cancer genomics with novel immunotherapies is revolutionizing patient care. The number of mutations found in tumors has been associated with overall survival of lung cancer...
A year-long project featuring a friendly monthly competition between two data professionals. This project involves community participation and an opportunity to learn and experiment.
Context: When Trash Becomes Part of the Landscape
In Panama City, waste management poses a daily challenge. While the landfill known as "Patacón" concentrates the majority of the city's waste,...