We worked with the Iran Media Program to map a complex constellation of leaders and governing bodies involved in Internet censorship in Iran. It visualizes the relationships between different...
Growing up on robots in movies has always got me wondering if there was ever an epic battle then who would win. Obviously size and firepower would be an advantage, but the biggest robots in movies...
World renowned author and businessman Steven Brill has detailed what a huge mess the U.S. is in regarding health care, hospitalization, procedures, and drug costs, and postulates what we can do...
This visualisation explores the phenomenon of global “brain drain” in science, with an eye towards understanding the reasons why researchers might choose to leave their countries of origin and...
A research made by the website "OkCupid": half a million straight people have been asked "have you ever tried sexual intercourse with the same gender as yours?"
the answers were:
Red: "No, and I...
An interactive data visualization produced on behalf of Sport England , the key objective was to show a more visually explorative way of presenting sports participation data alongside external...
Everything Oscar Wilde said or wrote was designed to be quoted. But how far has he succeeded? We used search engines, books of quotations and newspaper archives to work out which of Wilde's...
This graphic is a visualization of the history of US state boundaries. It gives an overview of current and past state boundaries throughout the country's entire history, combining time and space in...
With GED VIZ, we have developed a web-based tool to visualize flows of trade, finance and migration, thus showing what globalization is about: mutual dependencies. In addition to the flow data, 16...
I created this system as a piece of functional information design for people that have difficulty with verbal communication, often as a result of disabilities such as autism or those that impact...
Cultural Traction is a tool that measures, deconstructs and diagnoses the cultural relevancy of brands, and is a proven driver of brand health not just today, but more importantly...
This piece helped to introduce Boston residents to the 12 candidates vying to replace Mayor Tom Menino, who has held office for two decades. We chose to focus on the geographic base that each...
This gas price ranking visualizes gasoline price data from 61 countries. The information is sorted by average fuel price and by pain at the pump, which measures the percentage of a day's wages that...
Manchester City won 2012′s English Premier League. But what if there were no goal-keepers allowed? We visualise how the final table would have looked if the rules of the game were tweaked.
As my extended major project, during my time at The Arts University Bournemouth, I chose to investigate the visualisation of flavour. Palate is a swatch book that visualises the characteristics of...
The graphic »Fly me to the moon« shows all vehicles for man to leave the earth, explore the space and reach the moon. From the first beginning to the future of spacecrafts.
Concept and design of a full-page visualization on the topic of economy for the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT. The visualization shows an interdependent network of 147 firms dominating the world...
"Il Film della Partita" comes from the possibility of telling a football game, only with the help of statistical data, for a direct understanding and above all "not conditional" argument. The...
How much time do you waste looking for a document or file at work? Imagine having a deadline approaching and your boss needs that document stat. What do you do?
We continued our collaboration with...
Hundreds of millions of people around the world are escaping poverty and becoming middle class. At the BBC News we wanted to introduce users to the growth of this new middle class in places like...
This personal project is inspired by the urban farming movement. The hand bound book acts as a reference guide on the indoor, year round, urban farming method, Window Farming. The book visualizes...
Discovering a mythic competition through different interactive experiences based on data : geolocalisation of hundred years of stages (754 cities), exploring the careers of the 57 winners, gaming...
This handout was used as a summary after our popular 'Choose Impact' event (where David McCandless was a speaker). The event aimed to raise the profile and importance of visualisation within the...
PR agency Bell Pottinger commissioned Fred & Eric to design and animate an internal communication film for their client, Maersk. Bringing the company values to life using Fred & Eric's...
Kindred Britain assembles and visualizes records of nearly 30,000 individuals, mainly (but not exclusively) British. Many of them are extremely well-known in the nation's culture. The database in...
Showcasing the latest statistics, proprietary research and agency expertise,
the infographic provides insights to the
retailer about how to keep the brick-”and ”mortar experience fresh...
A map of Rome dedicated to horror movies shot during the years in the city. From "Profondo Rosso" by Dario Argento, to "Tomb Raider" played by Angelina Jolie.