–The Better Life Snowflake' uses the data from OECD Better Life Index. This website shows data by either country of category. I wanted to simplify that data even more by using one image. To do this...
The internet and the importance of social networking in the digital age is a self-directed project which is designed to help you better understand how many people use the top Social media.
While horses have come close in recent years, none have come close to replicating the winning form of Affirmed or Secretariat, perhaps the most famous horse of all time. Activ8Social takes a closer...
This Information Design displays data collected from George A. Romero's Dead series. Each data set shows the correlation of gender and violence throughout the four films. Each piece of data...
Every year, we score and rank countries and territories on their perceived levels of public sector corruption. Then we make the data visual – using clear, bold shapes to turn our scores into a...
A visual representation of Psalm 119 in the original Hebrew (The Westminster Leningrad Codex) with English, using the World English Bible version. This immense infographic-like display reveals...
This interactive visualization shows comparative data about national budget from 2008 to 2013. Each color represents the different politics of cost. Blue color, for public services costs; yellow...
Each glass of lemonade represents weather information for Toronto in August 2012. It compares the daily temperature to all the days of the month, as well as to what the temperature was on that same...
This visualisation explores the phenomenon of global “brain drain” in science, with an eye towards understanding the reasons why researchers might choose to leave their countries of origin and...
The Lancet medical journal commissioned this motion infographic to publicise a new study revealing the outcome of mass vaccination against meningococcal meningitis in Chad. As ever the challenge...
24 hours news channels have become a common media to diffuse news in different contexts in a non-interactive manner. Often used in lavish offices receptions for the guests, their functionality is...
OR-7, also known as "Journey", is the first wolf back in California in nearly a century, and his whereabouts have been tracked via tracking collar. This interactive map shows where he travelled...
Visualisation of all fallen and found meteorites between 1900 & 2000. The graphic gives a special view on meteorite findings by comparing time and longitude on a radial axis. This kind of...
The Infinite Jukebox is a web app and visualization that creates a never-ending and ever-changing version of any song. The app works by using the The Echo Nest music analyzer to decompose a song...
The rising power of the Latino vote in the US was a significant theme in the last US election, but not one widely explored via the use of data visualisation. The BBC Mundo team gathered the data...
In this data visualisation, we chart the source material for the highest-grossing film every year since the original blockbuster, –Gone with the Wind' in 1939. Many were inspired by comic books, TV...
The Nature of Overfishing is an interactive Web aquarium that tells the tale of the world's fish populations over the last 100 years. While there was once big "predatory" fish and small "prey" fish...
Dataseed is an open platform for interactive data visualisation and analysis, it offers a simple way to create multi-dimensional data-cube visualisations. It takes just a few minutes to upload a...
How much time do you waste looking for a document or file at work? Imagine having a deadline approaching and your boss needs that document stat. What do you do?
We continued our collaboration with...
We worked with the Iran Media Program to map a complex constellation of leaders and governing bodies involved in Internet censorship in Iran. It visualizes the relationships between different...
Other data sets about the Academy Awards tend to focus solely on predictions. Our visualization goes beyond to reveal the divergence in critic-public opinion. In the lead up to the ceremony, it...
Al Jazeera together with the Knight-Mozilla OpenNews group developed this open source video player which can be used on any website to match video content with a word-aligned transcript. The HTML5 ...