We have trouble understanding and accepting mass deaths . For example, numbers like 1; 2; 14; 20; 50, are all quantities that we encounter quite frequently and therefore we’re able to rationalize...
MHA@GW, the online master of health administration offered through the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University, created this data visualization to compare...
If you suffer a permanent injury on the job, you’re typically entitled to compensation for the damage to your body and your future lost wages. But depending on the state, benefits for the same...
In partnership with Future Cities Catapult, After the Flood turned London's boroughs into a choropleth - or series of shaded cells - that can contain numerous types of data more effectively than a...
Not all markets are the same, nor are individuals. TNS took a comparative look at the four personas of the connected consumer in the UK and China for our 2014 Connected Life campaign, showing that...
This visualization presents an aesthetic and holistic way of viewing local climate patterns and the relationships between various weather parameters. Playing with the Wikipedia common...
The Homicide Monitor is the most comprehensive publicly available dataset on murder in the world. It is a data-driven data visualization tool designed to show the distribution, dimensions and...
Track the number of sectors gaining or losing jobs each month. Boxes are shaded on percentage change from the previous month in each sector's payrolls.
Published by WSJ
These are New Zealand politicians’ social media fingerprints. The subject of the graph sits in the centre. The MPs who they are connected to in some fashion form a ring around the edge,...
RAINSCAPES is an interactive visualization that aims to show the variable amount of precipitations and weather related events during a time span of ten years on the United States west...
Everyday is a World Day of something. These special days pass through a wide variety of subjects : scourges, diseases, society trends, consumption habits... Sometimes serious or harsh and sometimes...
Thanks to technical innovations, the US has many different power sources to choose from. This infographic shows the share of each one of them, compared to their 1973 value and the extent of the...
The unstoppable global spread of the internet is encouraging, but wider access alone won’t close the data gap. This interactive visualisation illustrates how the digital divide has...
Twenty five and single? In London, you're anything but alone. According to the 2011 Census, more than half of twentysomethings go solo. Then comes your thirties and that deep river of available...
Elephant ivory is now a key source of funding for armed groups in central Africa like the Lord’s Resistance Army. National Geographic commissioned the creation of artificial tusks with hidden GPS...
An interactive illustrating the spread of Nobel laureates across the world and by affiliation.
The Counted is a project by the Guardian and you; working to count the number of people killed by police and other law enforcement agencies in the United States throughout 2015, to monitor their...
Information design is not about the gimmick, it is about improving communication and storytelling in partnership with the editorial tone, presentation style and journalism. Sky News Election Design...
We have developed a system that allows a variety of users, from the Studio Librarian to the HR Partner or the Managing Partner of our architectural practice to access relevant, attractive and clear...
In 1918, the First World War ended and millions of men returned from the front line to their wives and sweethearts. Two years later, Britain experienced a sudden spike in birth rate, a ‘baby boom’,...
As part of the celebration around the World Statistics Day 2015, and following the launch of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals Report, the United Nations Statistics Division announced the...
A timeline of aircraft models and indicating when the model has an accident. This shows interesting relationships about the safety of the models and how they each progressed.
Some of the greatest reflections on society take place in film, through complex characters, often falling into familiar patterns called “Tropes”. Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer...