Fusion’s Take the Plunge charting tool shows the lifetime-income outcomes for various educational options. It might show you, for instance, that a female arts graduate with a degree from a public...
The Washington Post weighted the style of facial hair, or lack thereof, of all active ballplayers on a scale of 0 to 8 — zero being clean shaven, eight being the grizzliest — then calculated...
Explore the exports of French-speaking Belgium (AKA Walloon) across multiple sectors from plastics and minerals through to transport and textiles.
Published by L'Echo
In December 2015, Paris hosts the COP21, the global climate change summit, where it is imperative for the world nations to come to an agreement regarding their commitment to reducing...
This is the story of the writers and publishers working in the Islamic Republic of Iran today, told through the contents of Iran’s National Library. Over a million books sit on its shelves, but...
Film production from 2005 to 2011: The first thirty ranked countries were considered, also highlighting 100% national film production.The flows were represented as if they were sedimentations...
Our baseball chronology series was developed for an exhibit featured at the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2015. The series of four prints shows a visualized history of the major leagues: which teams...
R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis,...
In May, the WSJ illustrated the differences in song preferences in New York by using data from e-jukeboxes.
But what if we were to zoom that lens onto the rest of the country?
Published by...
See just how warmer temperatures and less precipitation have drastically altered the water situation in the Golden State since 2011.
Published by the Wall Street Journal
Imagine if you could see the way the world is interconnected. News Explorer makes this possible by channeling IBM Watson's Alchemy News API—up-to-the-minute news, 250K articles a day, 70K...
In partnership with Future Cities Catapult, After the Flood turned London's boroughs into a choropleth - or series of shaded cells - that can contain numerous types of data more effectively than a...
Greg Wyler’s first space Internet startup, O3b Networks, has positioned a ring of satellites in medium-earth orbit around the equator—high enough to cover large portions of the planet, but not...
Nothing beats an illustration project that involves all my favourite things - food, food and food.
Be it Western or Asian, of different flavour, of different culture.
This analysis by University of Oxford researchers of previous outbreaks shows that the death rate has been greater than 33 percent and that there is often more than one cluster of infections,...
This interactive tool lets the user compare different large scale objects to the size of the blue whale to better grasp the scale of this majestic animal. Other visualisations include the whale's...
Our World In Data covers a wide range of topics and visualizes the empirical evidence of how living standards changed over the last decades, centuries, and millennia.
After blowing the whistle on waste, fraud and abuse within the NSA, Thomas Drake was charged under the Espionage Act by the Obama Administration. This interactive short documentary tells his...
Superconductor is a web framework for creating data visualizations that scale to real-time interactions with up to 1,000,000 data points. It compiles to WebCL, WebGL, and web workers to unleash...
This map includes all movie filming permits issued by the Mayor's Office of Film, Theatre, and Broadcasting for the years 2011 through 2013. It comprises a total of 517 movies and 17,241 filming...
FlowingData explores how statisticians, designers, data scientists, and others use analysis, visualization, and exploration to understand data and ourselves.
As for me, I'm Nathan Yau and I have...
The Clinical Centre in Ljubljana, capital city of Slovenija, is home to one of the leading cardiocurgial teams in the world. They have been chosen to take part in the clinical trials of the...
The infosphere* relies on an intricate network of signals, wired and wireless, that support it. We are completely surrounded by an invisible system of data cables and radio signals from access...