The refugee crisis was all over the news in the last year. This short video explores what impels people to leave their homes, which role the situation in Syria plays for those events and how that...
Where do the roots of humankind lie? A video exploring the earliest origins of our species, taking the viewer on a journey about the biological and social developments that lead from apes to homo...
In December of 2015, the Supreme Court heard Evenwel v. Abbott, a case that could have drastically altered how election districts are drawn by counting eligible voters instead of all residents....
As of today, 59 women have been to space. In honor of International Women’s Day, I used the upcoming Mapbox Studio dataset editor and Mapbox GL JS to visualize where each astronaut is from and more...
Issues that go unmeasured often remain unresolved. Understanding children's current situation and their problems is vital when dealing with future problems in our society, which is why we need to...
This project visualises the 1165 journeys women made to seek refuge in London between 1st April 2015 and 31st March 2016. It illustrates how far and wide women migrate across London boroughs when...
Over the course of the last thirty years, more than 7 million Colombians have left their homes and towns, looking for safety away from the conflict between the guerrillas, the Colombian armed...
The visualization effectively replaces the pdf print annual report of this society, which consisted of text and tables only and had little appeal, even though it contains important information on...
English has words from all over the world but come from three main sources: Germanic, Old French, and Latin and Greek. This visualisation color codes text based on word origins.
The artwork shows the satellites launched from 2003 to 2015. It represents the type of institutions that were focused on projects and the nation that financed them. On the left it is shown the...
From the mundane to the unexpected, here is a look at products that businesses associated with the Republican presidential nominee have imported since 2007.
The clock cycles through the color wheel every 12 hours using only colors I like. The clock also changes brightness every hour so that the half-hour mark is the brightest and the hour-mark is the...
The Swiss Post recently presented various information and resources on e-commerce. The scrollable microsite conveys the notion of e-commerce being more than just an online shop. Interdisciplinary...
A 366 days project about the ever changing colors of the sky over Berlin. Capturing a moment in time and space every day over the course of one year – 2016.
This artistic and abstract project is... uses Wikipedia and DBpedia to create a database of over 20000 events from world history, each with a short description, and plots them on an interactive 3D world map. You can put in...
I overlayed 5 different time periods of humans to see how each related to animals, assuming the pregnancy length did not change (there was no data on pregnancies from Pre-1900s).
A Washington Post-SurveyMonkey poll of more than 74,000 registered voters reveals how the 2016 campaign is playing out in every state, including some unexpected shifts.
Budget cuts can be a little befuddling, which is why for the 2015 Spending Review we wanted to create something that was easily accessible and understandable for everybody – whilst still being...
Shelter-me-not is an infographic art installation visualizing the housing issues of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, highlighting the ways in which shelter is tied to the experiences of both personal...
This print is an infographic documenting the loves of Marilyn Monroe, it shows where Marilyn met her love, what his occupation it was, what year they met and what type of relationship it was. This...
Back on Planet Earth, we at Nominet have been looking for a way to visualise global internet use. The result is our map of the online world, an atlas redrawn according to the number of...