As the tallest side at the Euros, expect Sweden to be a big threat at set-pieces. It is likely that Martin O’Neill will place an extra emphasis on defending dead balls before their opener against...
Optikammer is a playable infographic about optical innovations and the pioneers of animation, cinema, video games and cat gifs.
Antique toys and early experiments are made interactive inside a...
I spent a week on the couch with Tarantino’s oeuvre, watching people die and swear a blue streak. When someone was killed by a gun or a sword or a venomous snake, or someone was called a...
These are two infographics. One shows that Google representatives attended White House meetings more than once a week, on average, from the beginning of Obama’s presidency through October 2015. The...
A collection of small data visualisations on taboo topics.
I want these data visualizations to remind non-experts of a time when numbers weren’t daunting, disinteresting or dubious. The...
Xavi Bou focuses on birds, his great passion, in order to capture in a single time frame, the shapes they generate when flying, making visible the invisible.
Unlike other motion analysis...
A year after Donald Trump launched his presidential bid, and against all expectations, the business mogul is the presumptive GOP nominee. Who supported him? How did he take over a Republican...
A visualization of the ethnicities of the directors and actors of the 1000 highest rated movies on IMDB (February 2016). The idea originated from the debate of #OscarsSoWhite on social media. Thus,...
When numbers get into the billions or trillions, they start to lose context.
The U.S. national debt is one of those numbers. It currently sits at $19.5 trillion, which is actually such a large...
How many times do we hear that "the songs from that artist sound all the same"? How similar are they, really? We applied automatic audio feature extraction and machine learning techniques to...
With the ‘Cymascope,’ sound can be transformed into an image to visualise the sound of birds like the forest, developing a method for translating the frequency of bird calls into...
The information graphic for the Burckhardt+Partner agenda shows 116 projects in the first quarter 2015. Size and colours give an insight into project volumes and the varied compositions of the...
Although the Force is vague and entirely fictitious, this infographic identifies, measures, and categorises use of the Force of the first 6 Star Wars movies.
The woodpecker facts and systems to protect his head against the hits when this bird drills the wood. Fun project to my site mhinfographics published in Spanish also in visual744.
Visual analysis of each Euro 2016 game in game-card format. Together all the cards build a giant data map of Euro 2016 showing the route of the champion from the group stage to the final...
The concept of the cosmic web—viewing the universe as a set of discrete galaxies held together by gravity—is deeply ingrained in cosmology. Yet, little is known about architecture of this...
This investigation of scientific p-values is anchored by an interactive graphic where users can give "p-hacking" a try on their own. These are tricky statistical concepts, made accessible to all...
This text is designed to accompany your study of introductory digital signal processing. It’s an eccentric piece of not-so-rigorous literature with a preoccupation for explaining things using...
Clayton Kershaw was one of the best pitchers in baseball in the first half of the season. We analyzed more than 1,600 pitches to illustrate his tendencies. We also allow readers to explore the...
Eniday is an Eni’s project, a digital magazine focused on innovation and storytelling, providing explainations and stories on how natural resources are transformed into energy. The Visual Agency...
The project investigates the problem of air pollution in modern megapolices.
The main purpose was to tell about the influence of different urban systems on environment, their correlation and role...
All Olympic Games go over budget. In fact, they are the only type of mega-project in the world to do so. These graphs show the total cost of 18 Summer and Winter Olympics held between 1968 and...