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    While experiencing the beloved "Fast and the Furious" films, one might ask: How fast? How furious? A scrappy team of Bloomberg designers and reporters meticulously analyzed the first seven movies...
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    此信息可视化作品以我在教学中对“信息设计”以及相关容易混淆的词汇进行历史、发展、概念和彼此关系的梳理为基础,进行可视化设计,让学生和观众更容易理解“信息设计”及其相关联词汇的概念。另外,我引导一个国际班学生们对信息设计中各词汇在学习前与学习后的理解程度进行自我评分后,以信息图形式展现后,发现在学习设计的过程中,男孩比女孩更容易接受新知识,也更主动的进行设计知识的学习。 This...
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    Poster about veganism. The central image explains guidelines for how to carry out a healthy vegan diet, and the elements around it explain data related to this position.
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    This interactive visualization aims to provide insight into side stream valorization opportunities for the paper industry, in order to support stakeholders in becoming more sustainable. The...
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    What happened in Manchester is a video made the day after the terrorist attack in the Manchester Arena. At times like this, when news develops quickly, the NOS newsroom works at full speed to cover...
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    Data design created with the blue lagoon ingredients. A successful cocktail is a matter of proportions. Yes but which ones? Here is the visual recipe of the famous Blue Lagoon. A diamond of color...
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    Bioregionalism is an attempt to align personal identity with natural regions rather than arbitrary political boundaries. But most bioregionalist mapping still relies on the familiar conventions of...
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