Datasets which have the same statistical properties, yet produce dissimilar graphs, are an effective tool to demonstrate the importance of visualizing your data. Anscombe’s Quartet is the famous...
But there’s another factor that probably plays into how deluged we seem to be with news: Every time something happens, major or minor, our phones vibrate with an update — often from multiple...
Emotion Park is an experimental data visualization project to see how well machines can analyze song lyrics. The visualization tries to capture the emotion of the song lyrics in the form of a...
Being an outspoken woman on Twitter is hard. To find out how hard, we gathered a day’s worth of tweets sent to four prominent Indian women — Barkha Dutt, Rana Ayyub, Tavleen Singh, and Madhu...
All solar flares laid over one another as you look at The Sun. Each flare is a circle. Since Feb 2002 there have been 115424 flares detected by the RHESSI mission. Most originate from The Sun...
This browser-based computer simulation lets the reader explore for themselves how various infectious diseases spread and what the effect of vaccination is. It demonstrates that the decision to...
Wondering what kind of bacteria could be found in the subway, during an 18 month project started in 2013 physiology professor Christopher Mason collected samples from all subway stations in New...
This infographic series is the result of a collaboration of faculty and students at Tyler School of Art. Under the guidance of the faculty partners of PhillyRow, students conducted field work to...
When we think about swimming world records and top times, we typically just think of minutes and seconds, but this visualization takes a different approach to viewing top times by showing the...
It’s baby season in America, with September the busiest month for births on average in the last two decades. So it seemed like the right time to remix this blog’s most-popular post: How Common is...
The inaugural address contains the first words uttered by a new president. It is an untarnished moment during which the American leader can set the presidential tone, inspire a country, put an...
This is an interactive visualization of a thesaurus – the view highlights the relationship between central search word and its reference to other words used within the dataset.
A query word is...
An analysis of the more than 21,000 words in the Hamilton musical, and a write-up of the relational and thematic insights that were found. Includes an interactive exploratory tool at the end, where...
A few weeks ago I set on trying out new WebGL 2.0 features with WebGL 2.0 brings plenty of new goodies to be used for game development, creative coding and data visualization like...
It is a work done from the Jihadist attack in Barcelona during the month of August.
The infographic explains the tour of the terrorists on La Rambla in Barcelona and the places most frequented by...
New York’s celebrated and diverse restaurant culture at “the center of the universe” inspired FOODIVERSE, a visualization of food quality and customer experience in all Manhattan restaurants.
China's economy has grown rapidly since its economic reforms and increasing openness to trade, however, Hong Kong and Taiwan's economic performance in recent years has gradually slowed. The Fortune...
This pop culture visualization explores all spells used in the 7 Harry Potter books. Hovering over a spell reveals the spell's context and other details.
Created by Matthias Dörfelt, ‘Block Bills’ is a series of 64 banknotes generated from the Bitcoin Blockchain. Each banknote represents one block in the chain and the whole series consist of 64...
Computer science is the subject that studies what computers can do and investigates the best ways you can solve the problems of the world with them. It is a huge field overlapping pure mathematics,...
What influences children’s risk of developing poor mental health or low wellbeing, and what could protect them from these adversities? CLS researchers analysed information from more than 12,000...
Curative Design is a set of 20 infographics designed for medical students. Our goal was to make beautiful, accurate posters that could be used as both a decoration and a study guide for the US...
The summer in Finland is too short for many plants to grow. Summer months in Nordic countries only last for about 3 months, approximately 100 days. Inspired by the book by Neil Fletcher, I wanted...
Since 2014 The Visual Agency has worked with Brembo, a global leader in the design, development and production of braking systems, to help them tell the story of their involvement in the F1,...
This interactive map shows that central London is blanketed in air pollution that is above legal limits. The visualisation is based on new data from King's College London, combining air pollution...
Everywhere around the world, governments face challenges planning infrastructure and transport. These challenges include growing and aging populations, safety and the environment. The Future...