If it felt like you were on an emotional rollercoaster during this past Presidential election, just look at what was happening to Donald Trump. As shown in ten of the major speeches he gave from...
Climate change is affecting many aspects of our world. The impact of climate change is particularly significant for our coastal regions, which will have to deal with rising sea levels as well as...
This data visualization shows the resistance of Salmonella and E. Coli in food, animals and humans, country by country.
It is based on the results of the European Union summary report on...
This is a project that worked on a digital remix of Stephanie Posavec and Giorga Lupi’s acclaimed “Dear Data” project, drawing inspiration from the analog data graphics to develop novel dynamic and...
This visualization is a modified version of Chernoff Faces, a technique that maps multiple statistical values to the features of a face. Because it's 2017, we expanded on the technique and made...