Some say that when Russia’s borders did open with the fall of Soviet Union, citizens rushed out. Lately they bolted again, under the weight of western sanctions. But did they? This infographic...
There was an estimated 2.85 million residents moving between local authorities in England and Wales between July 2014 and June 2015 according to data from ONS. The maps show the net flow per 1,000...
Poster about veganism. The central image explains guidelines for how to carry out a healthy vegan diet, and the elements around it explain data related to this position.
Follow the shadow of the moon as it completely blocks out the sun on Aug. 21, moving along a 3,000-mile path from Oregon’s Pacific coast to the eastern shore of South Carolina.
Siria: Danni Collaterali (Syria: Collateral Damages) is a visual journalism project which sheds a light on the destruction of historical heritage during the Syrian civil war. Text insights and maps...
How do you draw attention to the recycling we don't do (but could)? And how can you show people the benefits? These were the questions that West Sussex County Council wanted us to show in an...
Each year, the United Nations' Sustainable Development Solutions Network releases the results of a survey of the state of global "happiness." This World Happiness Report ranks 155 countries by...
With the interactive map, users can follow the Berlin Marathon in time lapse for the first time, and compare the runners. The application shows how fast all 35,827 runners that finished the 2016...
An innovative digital art installation on the ground floor of the new Jerome L. Greene Science Center on Columbia’s Manhattanville campus invites visitors to peer inside the brain and meet the...
While more and more is being seen on the changing state of coral reefs around the world like the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia, we reported on a smaller nearby reef in New Caledonia...
Client's infographic: how tall would a state stand, based on its tallest building? Which states have the most high-rise buildings? What are most skyscrapers used for?
This is a project that worked on a digital remix of Stephanie Posavec and Giorga Lupi’s acclaimed “Dear Data” project, drawing inspiration from the analog data graphics to develop novel dynamic and...
According to "How Stuff Works", the Internet of Things, or IoT, “consists of all the web-enabled devices that collect, send, and act on data they acquire from their surrounding environments using...
The artificial pancreas research projects in human trials campaign dealt with displaying information about the connection between Type 1 Diabetes projects and artificial pancreas. Using a color...
Overall, this data set proved pretty challenging to find any insights. Turner was such a large proportion that I couldn't see anything in the data until I got rid of him. It also helped to hide all...
The use of chemical weapons is banned under international law and could constitute a war crime. International investigators have concluded that sarin, chlorine and sulphur mustard gas have been...
Where are the gaps and opportunities in plus sized clothing? For the demographic with the most purchasing power, determining the right style fit is absolutely priceless. It's time for the industry...
Many Americans struggle to understand the scope and impact of humanitarian crises happening outside our borders. This visualization engages the user into the problem and relates the scale of the...
Japan is truly unique, a country where ancient traditions are fused with modern life as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
By interacting with this visualisation you will embark on a...
The rocket tests of recent years show that North Korean missiles are no longer limited to targets across Asia. Their ultimate and preferred target, the US, is now within reach of its latest...
Game of Thrones has a reputation for killing off its audience’s favorite characters. It’s become a running joke and a warning that fans give to new viewers: don’t get too attached to any character,...
The past week of Trump scandals for people reading mainstream news outlets has gone something like this: President Trump fired the FBI director who was investigating his campaign’s connection with...
Prime Minister Theresa May invoked Article 50 of the EU's Lisbon Treaty on March 29, triggering Britain's divorce proceedings with the European Union and launching two years of negotiations that...
Every summer, typhoons rage in the southeast coast of China, causing great losses to the coastal people. We visualized the tracks of all the 1832 typhoons since 1949, and unfolded the story around...
A Constellation Guide to the Sixth Extinction is a web VR data visualization project on the modern, man-made episode of mass extinction. The visualization incorporates species datas from IUCN...