The project "Urban Data Patterns" is at the intersection between Visual Design and Data Science and it's goal is to develop independent concepts for visualising large data sets. The data used in...
Slavery is a term that many don’t associate with modern times; however 45.8 million people are estimated to be living in slavery today.
The chart below shows their distribution worldwide and the...
Visualizing polarization in the US Supreme Court from the 1946-2015 terms. Justices are color coded by the party of the appointing President and sorted in order of decreasing perceived conservative...
Map of Argentina illustrating typical goods from different regions: mate tea from Entre Rios, pizza from Buenos Aires, churros with caramel from Mar del Plata, chorizo sandwich from Santiago del...
This is a video we release every year to promote a study highlighting the 10 social media trends that will shape the year (and years) ahead. Past years the video was more infographic / motion...
This infographic was produced as an alternate outcome of my final major project at university. I decided to research how to communicate the possibilities of virtual reality and augmented reality...
Every year, millions come to Google to search for news and information that helps illuminate the world around them. While people often search for breaking news, the latest sports scores, or what's...
Democratic governments take 30%-50% of our income. Arguments about economics, politics and corruption occupy a large part of the public discourse. But shockingly - in the age of self-driving cars -...
Subreddits that had "active" users in common between 2015-2016 are linked by a directed edge whose weight is proportional to the fraction of users from one subreddit that were also active in the...
Part of a twelve-strong interactive series, this project commemorates 100 years since the Russian October Revolution. This unorthodox Minecraft-styled infographic handles the basics of an economic...
Cheers to our rich history, diverse culture and impeccable craftsmanship- all being our ultimate sources of inspiration! GENERATION's CLASSIC and COTTAGE are perhaps the only product lines that...
This survey is an estimate of the political balance of power at the time of the survey, not a prediction of the outcome of the upcoming elections.
The reliability of a survey depends on its...
Analysis and comparison of the word usage in six of the world's major sacred texts—Bhagavad Gita (Hinduism), Bible (Judaism and Christianity), Dhammapada (Buddhism), Quran (Islam), Tao Te Ching...
The data shows the number of foreigners removed from the United States has been increasing for several decades. Trump’s hard-line stance might not be the fundamental shift in national policy as it...
This interactive visualization shows you the differences based on the frequency and contextual relationship between two query words within the same dataset – this visualisation is especially useful...
This data visualization shows the resistance of Salmonella and E. Coli in food, animals and humans, country by country.
It is based on the results of the European Union summary report on...
Collection of every job that was performed on the USS Enterprise in The Original Series listed by individual episodes. Main characters and the regular extra are shown with unique icons. All others...
This interactive visualization aims to provide insight into side stream valorization opportunities for the paper industry, in order to support stakeholders in becoming more sustainable.
An International migrant is a person who is living in a country other than their country of birth. The number of international migrants worldwide has continued to grow rapidly in recent years due...
20,000 immigrants in Illinois live further than 60 miles from the nearest Legal Aid Organization. Without proper legal aid, those without the financial means to pay for a private attorney are...
Himalayan rivers are transboundary in nature, and therefore they do not conform to the laws of one particular country. In the context of disaster management, floods are a transboundary challenge...
Head on a spike? Check. Shot on the privy? Check. Baked into a pie? Check. Over the past 6 seasons of Game of Thrones, more than 100 characters have been killed off the show — but only one has...
Snow is vital to the environmental health of the western United States. Unlike rainfall, it doesn't come as one burst that's here and then quickly gone. Instead, it tends to accrue over the winter...
Coming almost 450 years after the world's first Atlas, this Atlas for the End of the World audits the status of land use and urbanization in the most critically endangered bioregions on Earth. It...