Visualise the sun's position through the seasons and see the sunlight’s effect on your surroundings in augmented reality. With the 'Hello, Sun.' app you’ll never be left wondering where the sun is...
Both men and women have crafted the world as we know it. Now, just for a minute, take a quick look around. Think about your work or your hobbies. How many women are a reference in those fields?
Cardcaptor Sakura, written and illustrated by CLAMP between 1996 - 2000, is one of the most beautiful and adorable manga series ever created. This visualization is an ode to this series and brings...
An essential visual guide for pharmacists on the growth in the over-the-counter medicines market over the year, containing data on the key products that they need to be aware of and the key trends...
This data art piece conveys the intricacies of a year’s worth of flights performed by Transavia, a Dutch airline. Each flight is turned into an abstract shape whose appearance is completely...
We feel awkward when we see empty space. Even if we wanted to, we can’t fill the space below because only one female athletics world record has been broken in the last 28 years in 9 events...
Hindu Mythology is a rich treasure trove of legends and fables. Vishnu is one of the Holy Trinity in Hinduism, responsible for protecting the Universe. The legend of the Ten Incarnations of Vishnu...
The interface project represents the visualization of the versatile and complex setting functions of the »Camera K-50 Pentax«. The objective was to find a self-explanatory pictorial description of...
Access to adequate health care is crucial to social and economic development, as healthy human capital fosters productivity and economic growth. This scrollytelling interactive tracks global...
“It is an automated response system designed for clients to independently and pro-actively measure their sales team’ performance in activating their look of success in trade; they will be able to...
In 2017, the department of Market Analysis of the Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG approached YAAY for a collaboration on a project about the egg market. We were given a massive load...
To report our agency's financial results and milestones, projects and team evolution of last year we've decided to design and publish an experimental issue called Visual Report 2017. Income...
This infographic is about the long trail of death and destruction that “category 5” hurricanes leave every year on their path across the United States and the conterminous seas.
The visualization...
This was a student project, where the assignment was to create a map or other spatial visualization while using best practices for easy cognition and perception.
I decided to create a map of...
The lantern is also called the sky lantern, also known as the wishing lantern. It is an ancient Chinese handicraft and used for military purposes in ancient times. Modern people put the lantern as...
What is the shape of networks? How do we experience network sculptures? Our goal with this project is to bring networks to life as physical objects, a testimony to their physical reality in spite...
Queering the Map is a community generated counter-mapping project that locates queer moments, memories, and histories in relation to physical space. As queer life becomes increasingly less centered...
A comparison between various battery powered transport vehicles. Infographic designed for RLab, the science and tech weekly supplement of La Repubblica newspaper
I just wanted to buy a mascara but I got overwhelmed by the range by all these brands. (keuzestress in Dutch)
So I decided to do some data-scraping and -crunching, trying to let the data decide...
360Giving has launched a visualization challenge to answer questions to help funders to maximize their impact on the charitable causes they support. Such questions intend to give a better...
The ABDI (Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development) and FGV (The Latin American Think Tank) conducted a series of studies to subsidize the elaboration of public policies and governmental...
PhoenixMap, a visual analytics system to help analysts understand spatiotemporal distribution patterns and anomalies of many objects. It focuses on solving quantitatively visualizing the spatial...
Tornado migrations can be mapped like birds or wildebeests or commuters. Like just about everything else on this amazing planet of ours, they have a seasonal circuit and an ebb and flow.