A Matter of Scales is an interactive data exhibit meant to tell the story of the pangolin—an order of animals that faces endangerment and extinction due to illegal trade thanks to demand for the...
The infographics have been published in Russian on tass.ru and translated especially for the Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards 2018.
This is an example of daily infographics, which targets...
Data theater on the quantified self.
The human body is increasingly encountered as a data body. Movements, emotions and states are measured, quantified and transformed into data. At the same...
Homelessness is not acceptable. Not in 2018, and not in one of the richest countries in the world: the UK.
To raise public awareness of the issue and inspire people to engage with the solution,...
Up to 79,000 Mexican migrants has been deported from the US back to Mexico. This view shows each record graphically to gain a better understanding of the data. Who they are, born city, skills,...
The results of the 2018 FIFA World Cup games are visualized in this project. Each circle demonstrates a match day. And if you assume it as a drone photo of a mountain, it shows each team's climb up...
20 years ago, he played his first professional match. Roger Federer has now won his 20th Grand Slam title. A data analysis of all the matches he has played reveals how he became the best tennis...
This piece is designed to celebrate the hard work, the dedication, and the collaboration around the world to end polio. We are so close to achieving polio eradication, and we can not give up now.
A deep dive into dog breeding history and the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Dogs have been companions to humans for thousands of years and as the relationship has developed, so have various...
This visualization shows every play from Super Bowl 42 as a hop. The length of the hop is the number of yards gained. The height of the hop is the play type colored by the team. Circles are...
After five editions of consistently high-quality publications, the American Cancer Society and Vital Strategies sought to create a more readable and engaging experience for users perusing the...
Federica Fragapane collaborates with La Lettura as information designer. The visualizations collected in One Year of Visual Narratives are part of an experimental research process and deal with...
How do Americans use their land? Bloomberg’s exploration uses a series of unique 8,000-pixel maps in a distinctive, scrolling web experience.
A mash-up of the latest data from the U.S....
What is the far right talking about on Twitter? The SPLC Hate Tracker visualizes activity around hashtags on Twitter by aggregating data on users identified by Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)...
Visualization of CT-scan data from a block-lifted early medieval Alemannic grave staged in the style of a triptych. It has been printed on acrylic glass to be backlit and hence recollects an x-ray...
This visualization project comissioned by the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) shows flows of refugees and other persons of concern over time using an interactive StreamGraph. Clicking on a...
Using conflict data provided by ACLED and a gridded world population estimate compiled by CIESIN, "Most Dangerous Places" shows the number of fatalities per person in Africa and Asia, compared to...
The bird cage in China is famous for its fine materials and fine workmanship, which is both applicable and beautiful. In order to adapt to the life habits of different birds, the ornamental cage...
A Data Visualization Project presenting Richard's Wagner opera - 'The Ring of the Nibelungen'. The opera is a cycle of four German-language epic music by Richard Wagner.
In this project I...
“If 2017 looked like the year when moderate politicians took back Europe, look again.” So kicks off Bloomberg’s stunning interactive graphic mapping the rise and reach of the populist far...
On November 27, 2017, the worldundefineds first somatic cloned monkey "Zhong" was born at the Institute of Neuroscience of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the non-human primate platform of the...
Bonsai, is one of the traditional Chinese fine arts. Plants and rocks comprise the basic materials
for artwork that expresses natural landscape in a small basin.