Gas prices are on the rise again—about 4.2 percent, on average, in the past three months. Behind that increase is a wide range of price swings felt differently around the world. We ranked 61...
A visual anlaysis of every team that has competed in the FIFA World Cup since its inception in 1930, with particular focus on those countries which have finished in the top 4. The visualization is...
Historically, the city of Los Angeles favored low-density development. As a result, 75% of L.A. residential space is zoned for single family homes. (R1 Parcels) Low density housing paired with...
What makes a great city? Is it political stability? Low crime rates? Access to education or healthcare? We took one metric, looking at how easy it is for people to move within cities. We calculated...
Cairn aims at understanding the variety of practices in third spaces. It explores alternatives to questionnaires and other traditional evaluation techniques by stressing aesthetic, affective and...
An essential visual guide for pharmacists on the growth in the over-the-counter medicines market over the year, containing data on the key products that they need to be aware of and the key trends...
The Jan. 14 sinking of the tanker Sanchi was the worst oil shipping disaster in decades. Thirty-two crew died in a tragedy that has tarnished the industry’s gradually improving safety record. Here...
It is a commonly held belief that Hong Kong is blessed with a relatively large number of public holidays to compensate for employers traditionally limiting their workers’ annual leave. Marco...
This diagram blends content from Neville Shute's post-apocalyptic novel On The Beach (1957) with data about nuclear weapons testing conducted on Australian territory in the 5 years preceding the...
Each row of this cross stitch represents the average temperature for that year. It starts from 1880 (top row) to 2017 (bottom row). White is the average temperatures of the years 1900 to 2000. The...
The bird cage in China is famous for its fine materials and fine workmanship, which is both applicable and beautiful. In order to adapt to the life habits of different birds, the ornamental cage...
This explainer-piece breaks down for an international audience why the US-midterms are important, how they function and what has been the party-wise trends over the years. Also, it looks at related...
Russia is big. The biggest country in the world. Although the Fifa World Cup venues are located in the western part of the nation, soccer fans still need to travel huge distances to follow...
This visualisation started as a personal interest in the Lost Property Office transparency data and was then proposed to and published by the Italian newspaper La Lettura.
The artwork visualises...
When senator 'X' votes a 'Yea' or 'Nay' what are the chances that senator 'Y' would do the same? This tool allows you to find out the similarity in voting patterns of senators of the 115th Congress.
The writer Victor Hugo advised looking for letters to know someone's personality because there were the marks of his heart. Now we do not write so many letters but whasaps. This infographic counts...
7 years after the Fukushima disaster, a visualisation of the current radioactivity levels collected from official sources. See also the 3D version (downloadable from the top of the page) which...
For most of the 12 million people living with disabilities in Iran, basic needs such as healthcare, education and transportation are inaccessible. One of the main reasons why is because Iran has...
How much is a trillion dollars? Exactly. Who knows? Nobody.
But here are a load of trillion dollar values visualized so you can at least *see* what $trillion looks like.
Growth rates among the world's major economies are rising at levels not seen in years, yet the missing link to the boom is inflation. In much of Europe as well as the United States, inflation...
The growth of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide is alarming. This is a handmade visualization of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions for 1990, 2010 and projected for 2030. Three wearable creatures...
The world famous Russian salad has a different name and a century long history in Russia, where it was invented by renowned french chef. This feature cherishes the favorite staple of national...