Our country has always been divided over great contrasts. For some years the ancient North-South dualism has returned to growth, certified in the 2018 elections by the double electoral victory...
Our submission visualizes a recent estimate by the Population Reference Bureau of the staggering number of people who have ever been born. Even though ‘modern’ humans have been around for at least...
IKEM teamed up with the design agency Ellery Studio to develop the first-of-its-kind Infographic Energy Transition Coloring Book! The book tells the story of climate change and the energy...
In large expanses of the continental United States, spring is arriving earlier than in past years. In this graphic story for The Washington Post we analyzed first-leaf and first-bloom indexes, as...
While working on a brief about practitioners I became fascinated with the work of Charles Booth. I underwent in-depth research into Booth's diaries that he kept. Looking into the archive compiled...
Since 1970’s, there has been a steady increase in LGBT characters on television, a trend that is generally viewed as positive and progressive. Yet writers often have trouble doing the lives of...
Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art practiced for its health benefits. The Chinese believe that slow body movement helps to gather invisible energy from the universe and harmonizes the body. We...
Designed as an A4 printed giveaway graphic for delegates as well as a vehicle for presentation purposes at the COP23 Climate change meeting in Bonn. This is an update on previous graphics to...
A staple of acrylic planes holds the people of the continents ( Halma figures) as tenants with their accumulated wealth (as red LEGO bricks) for furnishing, the stock of foreign investment...
The visualisation shows the 50 most voted animated feature films on Imdb (Internet Movie Database); for each picture are reported the number of votes received, the average value of the judgments,...
These visualizations, were originally created to take part in the research "Public Engagement through Fisheries Visualization". Their purpose is to study public engagement with different types of...
Every city has its pulse. How can we find and measure it?
By pairing GIS data of land use in Zagreb with statistical information on the times its people are sleeping, at home and working, I made...
Missing masterpieces draw headlines, but most stolen art is crushingly quotidian-a family portrait "lost" by a moving company, a landscape snatched with the jewelry during a break-in. The FBI's...
Many find themselves arguing with someone on the Internet, especially in these days fraught with political tensions. A great tool, the web also seems to drive dispute. A classic essay from one of...
Water is a bare necessity to us humans, and with the population explosion and rampant industrialization all around the world, we stare down the imminent Day Zero. Water, as we know it, will no...
From 3/8/2018 to 4/4/2018, Brazilian Congressman had a free pass to change Parties without running the risk of losing their mandate due to partisan infidelity.
Since campaign donations by...
Academic affinities are one of the most fundamental hidden dynamics that drive scientific development. Some affinities are actual, and consequently can be measured through classical academic...
The project shows a data vizualisation of all curse words and deaths used in recent Quentin Tarantino's movies, from Reservoir Dogs to Django Unchained. They are listed according to the time of the...
Cairn aims at understanding the variety of practices in third spaces. It explores alternatives to questionnaires and other traditional evaluation techniques by stressing aesthetic, affective and...