Food safety is a popular issue that people have been paying attention all the time, which the pesticide residues in fruits have directly endangered the survival environment and health of human...
Bronze is the earliest alloy in the history of metal smelting. Adding tin or lead alloy to pure copper has special importance and historical significance. Bronze is found all over the world...
The canopy bed is a bedding set for the Han nationality. Four pillars were mounted on the body. This work takes the canopy bed as the theme to carry on the infographics design. The history of...
Climate change is a complex global issue, requiring simple communication about its effects at the local scale. This set of visualisations highlight how we have witnessed temperatures change across...
Growth rates among the world's major economies are rising at levels not seen in years, yet the missing link to the boom is inflation. In much of Europe as well as the United States, inflation...
What happens when the maps that millions of Americans rely on to make informed decisions about flood risk are rife with inaccuracies?
"Outdated and Unreliable: FEMA's Faulty Flood Maps Put...
This visualization was my submission to the first feeder round of the global IronViz competition of Tableau. It provides context to the different epoques of German literature by showing the epoques...
The advanced equipment and performance data of the fifth generation fighter "J-20" in China are introduced by means of information diagrams.
The basic information of Chinese military aircraft in...
The United States law enforcement and counterintelligence investigation of Russian government efforts to interfere in the 2016 US presidential election is going since May 2017. This is a handy...
A mounting number of opioid addicts are encountering a deadlier and deadlier supply of drugs. The resulting death toll continues to rise despite years of alarms and efforts to intervene.
The worst drought in living memory is sweeping parts of eastern Australia, leaving farmers struggling to cope and asking questions about the future. This series of maps explain the severity of the...
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have defied easy categorization since they burst into the public consciousness last year, fueling an intense debate over how they should fit into the average...
This article describes the disparity in early voting access in 2016 between Marion County, Indiana, and the "donut" counties of the Indianapolis metro area. The analyses use census block-level data...
The right to health is inherent in the nature of all human beings by the simple fact of being, its foundation, like that of other human rights, is found in human dignity, which confers on all...
The design of this annual report was driven by the NBCUniversal mission statement. The language discusses delivering a large and varied spectrum of content. The theme "Spectrum of Tomorrow" was...
This infographic is a chapter of a fully illustrated non-fiction book about the European Red Wood Ant. Each book chapter is a large two-sided leporello and covers a certain aspect about Wood Ants....
Italy is the world leader in pasta production, producing more than 3,000,000 tons every year.
We are the most caloric country, indeed. What if pasta calories were converted in kilowatt per hour?...
Fairfax’s ‘Peak Hour’ combined old-fashioned with data journalism, video and interactive storytelling to chart the rise of Australia’s urban traffic woes, engaging its readers with insights...
Visualizing over 2.5 million 311 noise complaints in NYC from January 2010 and March 2018. Visualizations use custom vector layers from Mapbox GL and are visualized in Tableau Desktop.
IBM Immersive Insights is a data exploration tool that applies AR technology to data exploration and communication. Users are able to view their data in 3D using the AR wearable tool, and within...
A big data revolution is reshaping the world – and transforming football. From the first kick to the last, football is flooded with datapoints giving fresh insights into player and team...
We pulled the color of every lightsaber described in “Star Wars” from Wookieepedia. That comes out to 132 unique lightsabers with a known blade color, including the Darksaber. With those 132 unique...
The piece designed for Scientific American focuses on the relationship between achieving a range of social objectives that can provide a good life and surpassing environmental impact limits needed...