Using maps and infographics, this publication shows water-related challenges and how these link to Sustainable Development Goals, quality of life, migration and conflict risks. The visualizations...
Modern slavery effects 21 million victims on any given day. Exploited Hopes and Dreams in Modern Slavery explores the story of two victims in Switzerland and brings to light how traffickers prey on...
This bilingual atlas provides for the first time a comprehensive, easily accessible and detailed overview of all Arab-Palestinian communities in Israel. All maps were specifically designed for this...
The way we speak has an enormous effect on our identities. As part of a series on digital identity, we used a UNESCO dataset and D3.js to create a visual essay about the world's endangered...
Cruising to a fourth term in the March 18 elections, Vladimir Putin is relying on a deep well of support based on two main factors: the huge rise in living standards over his 18 years in office...
On May 2, 2018, Enrique Ochoa Reza left the presidency of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, one of the ones with the poorest trajectory of the last 20 presidents of the PRI. This visualization...
This chart breaks down the composition of assets for each tier of wealth. See what assets make up a regular person's net worth, versus that of a billionaire.
Using census data we created a voronoi tessellation of majority race data and then mapped it at the national and local level. Maps reveal macro- and micro-views of how people live in the United...
What if you could visually compare any property's assessment value against all others in a city with a click? What interesting patterns could you find?
Starting with those questions, the project...
There is not yet a standard definition of the term mass shooting, however this is a daily issue in the US, since the list of mass shootings keeps getting longer. "He was always nice" lets the...
Our story, “Killings of Black Men by Whites are Far More Likely to be Ruled ‘Justifiable,’” tackles the complex issue of killings that do not result in any form of prosecution. “Justifiable...
The interface project represents the visualization of the versatile and complex setting functions of the »Camera K-50 Pentax«. The objective was to find a self-explanatory pictorial description of...
This diagram blends content from Neville Shute's post-apocalyptic novel On The Beach (1957) with data about nuclear weapons testing conducted on Australian territory in the 5 years preceding the...
Mapping the movement of Crows - Mapping Municipal Market, Ahmedabad
Located adjoining one of the busiest streets of the city of Ahmedabad, the municipal market hosts a lot of visitors every day....
“MeToomentum” is a self-initiated data visualization project exploring themes, geographical footprint and key moments of the popular social Movement #MeToo. In a World where sexual abuse and...
A tribute to Anthony Bourdain, this work visualizes all the places that Bourdain visited and shared with the world through his television shows---A Cook's Tour, No Reservations, The Layover, and...
Gaming has traditionally been considered a male-dominated pastime. With this work, we aim to shatter this misconception and present beautiful, visual evidence that women are a highly valuable...
The results of the 2018 FIFA World Cup games are visualized in this project. Each circle demonstrates a match day. And if you assume it as a drone photo of a mountain, it shows each team's climb up...
With the powerful Hurricane Irma approaching the continental U.S, we sought to visualize and make sense of the some of the dangers facing those in Irma’s path, creating two maps and a chart to...
Illustration of 102 significant volcanic eruptions of last 18 years based on dataset by National Centers for Environmental Information (
Chaos and destruction were evident across the Indonesian resort island of Lombok after a magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck in August. It was the second powerful quake to hit the island in a week,...
FGV (The Latin American Think Tank) studied the migratory scenarios experienced by the United States, Canada, Australia, and Germany and calculated how scenarios similar to those would impact...
For most of the 12 million people living with disabilities in Iran, basic needs such as healthcare, education and transportation are inaccessible. One of the main reasons why is because Iran has...
Forms of Attraction clusters images from the MET's Costume Institute into items sharing similar form. This was done through machine learning to uncover new relationships between items beyond...