For the first time in several decades, the world is becoming less democratic, even as more countries hold elections. Bloomberg compiled and analyzed data from organizations that monitor the health...
How much is a trillion dollars? Exactly. Who knows? Nobody.
But here are a load of trillion dollar values visualized so you can at least *see* what $trillion looks like.
Information visualization for La Lettura, Il Corriere della Sera
Date of publication: 29|04|18
The visualization shows an overview of the cryptocurrencies market in April 2018. It relates...
Pima Air Museum is a large aviation museum in the desert of Arizona, known for its vast "Bone Yard" of aircraft.
The overarching purpose of this rebrand is to create a unique experience for...
I created an explainer infographic about the recording process aimed at young musicians (age 13-18). I was a musician and played in bands throughout high school and college. The recording process...
With the continuous development of the high-speed railway in China, it is divided into eight vertical and eight horizontal lines. We choose one of the horizontal "shanghai-kunming railway" and...
I am impressed by the “Principle Rivers/Mountains/Lakes” map diagrams that were so popular in the mid 1800s and have been curious about how I might reproduce that aesthetic without etching on...
Learning about ancient history can sometimes feel like rote memorization: old names, old dates, etc.
For this visualization, I wanted to show the history of the Roman Empire in vivid color. It...
Russian stacking dolls are known in their homeland as matryoshka, which means "little matrons". Here the coaches of each of the World Cup teams are transformed into little matrons to show their...
Trends in sea-ice thickness and volume are an important indicator of Arctic climate change. While sea ice thickness observations are sparse, here we utilize a ocean-ice model, PIOMAS (Zhang and...
Few things are more frustrating than collecting your belongings only to realize that your pants pockets can’t fit them. For wearers of women’s clothes, the struggle is real. Like many things on the...
The project intends to convey and communicate advice on how to live a healthier and balanced life: contact with nature and its cycles, healthy feeding, physical exercise, good rest, practice of art...
Drug trafficking infiltrated the national export logistics to control farms, packers, transport routes, shipping companies and ports. Hidden in containers with fruits and vegetables, they sail...
King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who died in October 2016 at the age of 88, was Thailand’s monarch for seven decades. Preparations for a lavish, five-day funeral with a budget of $90 million took nearly a...
This flow visualisation allows you to follow the castaways from Australian Survivor, Season 2 through their alliances and eliminations of until there is only one 'sole survivor'. The twists and...
In China there are three expressways that are among the most in the world. He has crossed most of the county and gathered the wisdom and sweat of many laboring people. After his success, the life...
Our ancestors conducted friendly exchanges through the Silk Road long time ago.Although it was named "Silk Road", in the trade on this artery, besides silk, lacquerwork and all kinds of rare...
TomCast is a research tool for financial market forecasts that allows tracking and analyzing published forecasts to understand their quality. We designed and developed an initial version of the...
This interactive project visualises publically available data and historical chronicles in the case of figureheads like William Wallace. The data visualisation by the South China Morning Post’s...
This paper mainly introduces some basic techniques of acupuncture and moxibustion, as well as the chart of acupuncture points, the basic apparatus and historical evolution information, and presents...
The reason for striking a blow at the Arab Republic was the incident on April 7 in the Syrian city of Dumas, where, according to some statements, chemical weapons were used.
A student project, visualization the Space Race between the USA and USSR, to see who would be the first to put a man on the moon.
I experimented with various ways of summarizing, grouping, and...
We found ourselves reading more than we’d like to admit of the 312 page testimony of Glenn Simpson for the Senate Judiciary Committee. Realizing that the testimony itself didn’t provide enough...