Many New Yorkers could be living with an industrial legacy of lead in their soil and not even know it. An illustrated urban gardening guide shows how to prevent exposure to contaminated soil.
This visual shows all the stars that we’ve discovered within 20 light years from our Solar system, and the exoplanets belonging to 12 of those stars. When comparing the types of stars, it becomes...
To everything there is a season, and diseases are no different. Google search patterns show us what health issues people worry about, when they worry about them, and how epidemics spread through...
This heat map indicates the average daily temperatures of the summer season (June to September) in Tokyo over the course of 140 years. You can hover over or tap on a cell to see detailed...
The ‘Bursa’ industrial area in Ramat-Gan has been undergoing a process of change as efforts are made to transform it into Tel aviv's business center. The change are far from being complete as the...
Today in the world there are 541 million young workers, accounting for over 15 per cent of the global labour force.
What does it mean to be young workers in 2018?
With 313 million workers...
This data visualisation sets out to show readers the faces of the murderers behind the trigger of each mass shooting in the United States since 1966. We defined mass shootings as events in which...
PhoenixMap, a visual analytics system to help analysts understand spatiotemporal distribution patterns and anomalies of many objects. It focuses on solving quantitatively visualizing the spatial...
A research project exploring the potential of walking to gather environmental data and through multiple walks and visualisations build a rich picture of that area. The project examines creative...
Science is helping to create new training methods and amazing performances by athletes such as swimmer Katie Ledecky. How much faster, stronger, and better can humans get?
Inspired by the approach of our design studio we created an interactive annual review for 2017 based on the hours we worked. Through a navigable timeline, you can see projects that we've worked on...
Records fell on the final day of the Premier League season as newly-crowned champions Manchester City became the first team to reach 100 points. City have also set a number of other new benchmarks...
The extent to which guns from states that are better for gun owners are used in crimes in states less friendly to gun owners is a topic of much study. We explore the same question visually using...
Sportivity Index is a survey made by Clas-PTS Group and published by Il Sole 24 Ore. For the 2018 edition for the first time we made a strong effort on the web side (the survey has been published...
Vector-izing your text input and creating a text map/vizualisation/digital signature of that text, each map being distinct, gives birth to a pattern which is unique for that text.
Up to 79,000 Mexican migrants has been deported from the US back to Mexico. This view shows each record graphically to gain a better understanding of the data. Who they are, born city, skills,...
How do Americans use their land? Bloomberg’s exploration uses a series of unique 8,000-pixel maps in a distinctive, scrolling web experience.
A mash-up of the latest data from the U.S....
As Avengers assemble with characters from all corners of the Marvel universe, this graphic will tell you who fights whom, who has a hellish sister, and more.
A visualization of the next 30 days of near Earth asteriod approaches. The bigger the circle, the bigger the asteroid. The darker the circle, the closer it will get to the Earth. You can hover...
Phantom Islands are artifacts of the age of maritime discovery and colonial expansion. During centuries of ocean exploration these islands were sighted, charted, described and even explored – but...