China has implemented a one-child policy since 1978. Every child is the support and hope of every Chinese family.
Lost children are common in china, and fortunately the situation is improving...
A double-page graphical Timeline of over 100 Darknet markets offering drugs. The purpose was to try and show how prolific the darknet market is and how new marketplaces quickly took the place of...
Climate change is a very hot topic nowadays. We are facing extreme weather events more and more frequently. Unusual temperatures, excess rainfall or extremely strong winds, forest fires disrupt our...
Modern slavery effects 21 million victims on any given day. Exploited Hopes and Dreams in Modern Slavery explores the story of two victims in Switzerland and brings to light how traffickers prey on...
Analyzing Mr. Jokowi's (President of Indonesia) word usage on Twitter. Mr. President is actively using his twitter account to talk about his programs and build communication between government and...
The interface project represents the visualization of the versatile and complex setting functions of the »Camera K-50 Pentax«. The objective was to find a self-explanatory pictorial description of...
This heat map indicates the average daily temperatures of the summer season (June to September) in Tokyo over the course of 140 years. You can hover over or tap on a cell to see detailed...
King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who died in October 2016 at the age of 88, was Thailand’s monarch for seven decades. Preparations for a lavish, five-day funeral with a budget of $90 million took nearly a...
I am impressed by the “Principle Rivers/Mountains/Lakes” map diagrams that were so popular in the mid 1800s and have been curious about how I might reproduce that aesthetic without etching on...
In the twenty years since its 1998 release, Joel and Ethan Coen's neo-noir buddy comedy 'The Big Lebowski' has emerged as a cult sensation. A yearly festival is devoted to the film and its...
Cycling off-road is a bicycle off-road movement from the late 1970's in the United States,and is arguably more exciting than skateboarding; it can cause adrenaline to soar and is loved by extreme...
Fairfax’s ‘Peak Hour’ combined old-fashioned with data journalism, video and interactive storytelling to chart the rise of Australia’s urban traffic woes, engaging its readers with insights...
This is an infographic comparing and contrasting two of the most popular social media apps, Snapchat and Instagram. This piece follows a timeline orientation and shows the different milestones each...
This is visualization of arbitrary vector fields. A vector field assigns velocity and direction to every point on a plane. I drop thousands of particles on a plane and let them flow according to...
The Botanical Pharmacy is a florist with a twist. All the flowers within the brand are used in the medical world for traditional herbal remedies to help with a variety of illness. The Pharmacy...
In China, there are three expressways that are among the most in the world. He has crossed most of the country and has gathered the wisdom and sweat of many laboring people. After his success, the...
The theme is delicate and the work speaks for itself. Small details that make all the difference when we transmit information. take a deep breath and take a look at this breathtaking data...
This infographic is a chapter of a fully illustrated non-fiction book about the European Red Wood Ant. Each book chapter is a large two-sided leporello and covers a certain aspect about Wood Ants....
PhoenixMap, a visual analytics system to help analysts understand spatiotemporal distribution patterns and anomalies of many objects. It focuses on solving quantitatively visualizing the spatial...
Xi'an is an ancient city, so most of the people who live in Xi'an can not figure out the history of this city. In that case, we classified 282 cultural relics protection units in Xi'an, and we...
Italy is the world leader in pasta production, producing more than 3,000,000 tons every year.
We are the most caloric country, indeed. What if pasta calories were converted in kilowatt per hour?...
Information visualization for La Lettura, Il Corriere della Sera
Date of publication: 29|04|18
The visualization shows an overview of the cryptocurrencies market in April 2018. It relates...
My paper 'Information on different types of people for graphic communication, website and information designers' has been published on the Usability Geek website...
«Energy industry in Ukraine» - our special issue that was fully dedicated to the issues and possibilities of the energy industry. The purpose of the report is to demonstrate our expertise and...