Aid agencies fear the monsoon in Bangladesh will imperil thousands of Rohingya refugees crammed into makeshift camps. This project uses data to map the many layers of danger and highlight areas...
Using data from Citi Bike, this interactive visualization gives the user a 3D look at all the trips taken with Citi Bikes one summer day in 2017. Filter trips by membership type or by trip origin,...
"Films Around the Clock Under the Midnight Sun" explores the schedule of the Midnight Sun Film Festival organised in 2018. Data for this visualisation consists of the last published schedule of the...
This is visualization of arbitrary vector fields. A vector field assigns velocity and direction to every point on a plane. I drop thousands of particles on a plane and let them flow according to...
A study on the non-invertibility of translation between languages, Loss in Translation analyzes how the top thousand nouns in English are translated to other languages and back. This is interesting...
Since the 1970's there have been attempts to introduce a kind of a unitary patent; all unsuccessful. Will it be different this time? Will the UK participate regardless of Brexit? Interestingly,...
Almost half of Americans believe that immigrants make crime worse. But the data tells a different story. This visual piece examines the relationship between immigration and crime in American cities...
If we take the pleasure and abstractness of the senses when we appreciate music in the daytime and use the physical model to image the emotion on the crystal, you will get a great feast. The...
Each year, US cities give thousands of homeless people one-way bus tickets out of town. An 18-month nationwide investigation by the Guardian reveals, for the first time, what really happens at...
A Data Visualization Project presenting Richard's Wagner opera - 'The Ring of the Nibelungen'. The opera is a cycle of four German-language epic music by Richard Wagner.
In this project I...
A visualization about the shared bicycle program and bicycle infrastructure in Austin, Texas with an emphasis on safety and desirability, using multiple large data resources.
This comprehensive, trans-boundary atlas contains over 100 maps of Arctic marine mammals, seabirds, sea ice, subsistence, and more. The Atlas is organized into six sections that build, layer by...
360Giving has launched a visualization challenge to answer questions to help funders to maximize their impact on the charitable causes they support. Such questions intend to give a better...
The chancellor’s second budget of the year sets out where Philip Hammond expects the state to get money from in 2018, and how he expects it to be spent.
Melbourne provides some of the country’s best food and entertainment, but not everyone has access to it. Over half the buildings in Melbourne CBD alone are not accessible to people in Wheelchairs...
Guardian Australia’s Deaths inside investigation revealed serious systemic failings in Australia's justice system, and prompted widespread calls for action from all sides of politics.
A web interactive Stop Motion animation of 1380 handmade vector illustrations about the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, containing explanations, original dialogues, interesting facts, doubts and...
How much debt has been racked up by governments? This stunning infographic shows each country's share of world debt, along with their debt-to-GDP ratio.
Radiohead has been my favorite band for a while, so I am used to people politely suggesting that I play something “less depressing.” Much of Radiohead’s music is undeniably sad, and this post...
Following far-right leader Marine Le Pen’s success in winning through to the second round of France’s presidential election, Reuters took a closer look at European parliamentary elections and their...
We make films to capture moments in time, preserve memories and tell stories – yet nothing lasts forever.
This set of infographics for ACMI uses publicly available collection metadata to explore...
The project gives a new perspective on the world and the »Democracy Index« by The Economist. Usually, we compare countries on a map. This is reasonable as their geographical position and shape is...
A Reuters analysis shows Republicans now control more legislatures than at any point since at least 1900 and more governorships than the party has held since 1922. Here's a look at control by party...
Attitudes towards religions are commonly reported on, but rarely in a way that allows relative comparisons. As such, we conducted research among the US adult (18+) population (N=1150), asking them...
New York State of Incarceration focuses on trends in jail population in the state of New York. While New York City jail population has dropped by more than half over the last 20 years, population...