My visualization is showing survey results for the MyWorld survey looking at people’s perception on the successful (or not) achievement of sustainable development goals. As a part of the UN SDG...
Few people care about the situation in Yemen, and when it’s covered in the news it’s all about the war. But what is life really like for the people in Yemen?
The Yemen Polling Center is the only...
In large expanses of the continental United States, spring is arriving earlier than in past years. In this graphic story for The Washington Post we analyzed first-leaf and first-bloom indexes, as...
Individual event medal data from the previous five Commonwealth Games is presented in radial form and shows how individual countries regularly achieve success at specific sports.
Water is ever present on Earth and vital to life as we know it. Within our solar system water can be found on other worlds and will be essential for future attempts at expansion.
This infographic reflects our evolving awareness of space, showing discovery and exploration of planets in our solar system, and the recent accelerated pace of exoplanet discoveries driven by new...
In the lead up to the final game of the 2018 World Cup, we took our live match predictions for each of the knockout stage matches and visualized the probabilistic paths that France and Croatia took...
This wooden map is a celebration of NYC’s street tree population. It is a hybrid of a choropleth map, a bar chart, and an interactive game. Each neighborhood is represented by a removable wooden...
These animated maps show how the warming climate is bringing ticks and lyme disease to Maine. This distills mountains of climate data into high density graphical displays.
"The Next Bechdel Test" was a months-long project searching for and testing ways to measure inclusion and representation in the American film industry. With input from professionals in and around...
The theme of the work is the development of ethnic minorities in the area of China, which are divided into three chapters, transportation, energy and industry. In the form of illustration, graphics...
Climate change is a very hot topic nowadays. We are facing extreme weather events more and more frequently. Unusual temperatures, excess rainfall or extremely strong winds, forest fires disrupt our...
Diagrammm: Beyond the Image
Data visualization has become a modern tool of communication that reveals a power of data. With it help stories hidden in figures could be told in a clear and...
This comic wants to make visible the exodus of Zainab and her family who, like another 11 million people, have been forced to leave their home since the war in Syria began in 2011.
No matter where you are on Earth, we all look up to the same sky during the dark nights. You might see a different section of it, nevertheless the stars have always fascinated humans. And even...
I think we can all benefit from knowing a little more about others who aren’t like us (or who are), no matter how small the tidbits. Select sex, age group, and race to see the demographics of...
NYPD has significantly reduced arrests for subway turnstile jumping. But who gets arrested hasn’t changed: 9 out of 10 of those arrested for turnstile jumping are black or Hispanic. Across the...
In this #SportsVizSunday visualisation I explore the history of teams winning the premier European Football Competition; the Champions League (formally known as The European Cup).
The radial...
Hard-earned lessons from our notebook about information design and infographics. Hands-on, honest and condensed.
We’ve been working in the field of infographics and visual information for...
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was a scheduled international passenger flight that disappeared on 8 March 2014 while flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. It last made voice contact less than an hour...