This visualization focuses on recurring characters in the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The colored circles represent unique characters among different groups and are sized...
The Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia (CINS) monitors the development of coronavirus in Serbia and its impact on the lives of people since the beginning of the pandemic. Since there is...
This project was significantly personal to me. Once I move to the US, I noticed first hand the "box" in which immigrants are put on, specifically Latinas. I am originally from Bolivia and I move to...
Mariupol is one of the worst sites of the Russian war of aggression. A documentation of the siege in chat histories, satellite images, maps and videos.
A collection of animated gifs replaying various sport matches and events.
The "timeline triangles" visualization works with several sport disciplines when teams or individuals win by scoring...
This story aims to focus on miners, rather than the precious gems they dig from the earth – exploring the complexities and exploitation in the mining industry in parts of Asia.
We decided to...
Aisin Gioro Nurhachi was the founder of the Qing Dynasty. He had a remarkable military record all his life. With the time latitude as the logic and the space latitude as the clue, we deeply study...
We scraped satellite data showing how the drought impacting Australia’s east coast in 2019-20 was affecting water storage in what was then one of the driest, hottest years on record. In addition,...
Smoke California wildfires in 2020 covered the entire U.S. West Coast before spreading out over the Pacific Ocean. The smoke also travelled thousands of miles east, turning skies from New York to...
Data from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) show that pasture and range conditions have been in decline for quite some time. Pasture varies in its uses but is important for harvesting...
Based on the new trend of information visualization as the dissemination of the information age, this work takes the "Splendid Xilan" visualization website as the theme, constructs five main...
This visualization traces the musical lineage of over 10,000 artists to just 8 "originals". Starting with the most influential artist in 8 different genres (based on the number of artists that they...
My breastfeeding journey on my first born was extremely challenging and I had to overcome many hurdles. I went on to feed her for a year and found it to be a very rewarding experience....
A nutritional analysis of food and drinks available at Starbucks using D3.js and employing HTML/CSS to imple- ment the visualizations. The website presents a story that uses various data...
The art of conversation showcases the different episodes of Steven Bartlett's Diary of a CEO podcast on Youtube. The visual looks to dive into each of the different topics that his guests discuss,...
A few years ago, my kids were taking very long showers. I wanted a way to explain to them how important water is and should be used sparingly but in a very simplified way that they could relate,...
"The arts have always been a large part of my life. From a very young age I found color, shapes, and patterns very exciting and expressive. All through school everything pointed me to a career in...
The Grammy is one of the essential entertainment awards, along with the Academy Award, Emmy Award and Tony Award. The project focuses on one of the Grammy categories — Best Alternative Album — and...
This visualization was created using open source data containing every word spoken by character and location, in the first 27 seasons of the Simpsons. The size of each circle represents the number...
Interference 2020 is an interactive, open-source database that captures allegations of foreign interference relevant to the 2020 U.S. presidential election. The visualization assesses the...
In the last years, the way people communicate has radically transformed: thanks to digital technologies, and in particular online platforms, new relational possibilities have opened up, together...
The Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia (CINS) monitors the development of coronavirus in Serbia and its impact on the lives of people since the beginning of the pandemic. Since there is...
Google Trends allows you to compare multiple search terms to determine which was more popular in Google searches in a given time frame and geographical location. I was curious as to how some search...
Online censorship consists of the control or the removal of certain contents that are accessible to the public. It exists because some governments and platforms want to regulate content. In...
>> Seeing, researching and comprehending <<
The phenomenon of the sun has fascinated mankind time and again, influencing their lives for over thousands of years. But how can the...
Over the last years, more and more contracts have been made to host a number of sporting events in Saudi Arabia, e.g. the Formula 1 Grand Prix in Jeddah or the Spanish Soccer Supercopa.
The past decade has seen a significant shift in the attitudes of UK newspapers towards climate change, according to new analysis undertaken by Carbon Brief.
Drawing from a database of more than...
Back in December 2020 the death of 300,000 Americans was already a staggering, incomprehensible loss. Little did we know then that the virus would take the loves of over six and a half million...
The visualization is created using Tableau software, and some design elements are created with MS PowerPoint. The Last Airbender show has always been close to my heart since childhood. ♥ This viz...
This visualization was designed to look like a desk at the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, the main location of the hit tv show "The Office". The visualization is presented from the perspective of...