You might make little of it as you pass through Avenue Victor Hugo in Paris, Via Garibaldi in Venice, or Strada Xenofon in Bucharest. Yet once you start paying attention to it, you can't stop...
August 15th, 2023 marks the first National Ecological Day in China. Our focus turns to plastic that can be seen everywhere.
In 1950, only 2 million tons of plastic products were produced...
When I Was Your Age is a data visualization project focused on understanding the difference in spending habits of the average American across generations. The project uses public data from...
This astroclock simulates a geocentric model generally used in Astrology. A minute here is an year on earth. The scale or the calculations are not precise, and only for aesthetic purpose. The main...
In the world of education, innovation often arises from unconventional blends. "Drawing Data with Kids" is a testament to this fact, offering a refreshing approach to teaching data literacy. This...
This project represents data getting breached in selected amount of sectors, from the year 2004 to 2022, and the number of records lost due to it. It gives insights on the intensity of sensitive...
The historic examination of Tutankhamun’s mummy inside the innermost coffin was performed over seven days
in October and November of 1925, and meticulously recorded in discoverer Howard Carter’s...
Russian volunteers are searching through graveyards, archives and the internet to determine how many of the country’s soldiers have actually died in Ukraine. A database they helped build provides...
Think of a big number, the biggest one you can conceive of. Now add 1. You have a bigger number. You can keep going on and on, until you get to infinity. But is this ‘infinity’ an actual...
This data visualization summarizes my WhatsApp chat with a close friend since August 2016. Text messages have been cleaned and analyzed in Python, charts prototyped in RAWGraphs and the data...
The visualization shows the data of the Creative Economy publication, published numbers, articles, authors. It shows the distribution of authors according to their gender, nationality and role.
The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study offers a comprehensive overview of pressing societal issues of mortality and disability on a global scale, encompassing 204 different countries. It...
Trading the Fragile: An Insight into the CITES and IUCN databases is a data-driven project aiming to shed light on the work of these two organizations. By highlighting the most traded species...
This visualization shows the data of 2193 journalists and media workers from all over the world who had been murdered, killed in crossfire and combat, or on dangerous assignments over the past...
Sankey diagrams show the distribution of households according to security experience and household income, the frequency of interruption of water supply according to income, and the frequency...
Amplia Saúde is a project dedicated to providing scientists, researchers and the general public with a more sophisticated data visualization and analysis tool for investigating the relationship...
Hot air balloon model by LowPolyBenjamin from CGTrader.
#MapboxGL #MapTiler #ThreeJS #WebGL #3D #maps #buildings #hotair #balloons #fly #nyc #manhattan...
A map that visualizes at the percentage of population with acess to broadband internet alongside the number of primary care physicians per capita for each county in 50 states and the District of...
In this digital dossier, we explain basic brain functions, the benefits and limitations of brain organoids, and ethical implications. The entire site is held together by a clear design, a stringent...
Each year, Everytown Research & Policy updates their Mass Shootings database, a straightforward accounting of incidents that “haunt our collective conscience,” in Everytown’s words. To provide...
The Website Scrolly was done as a part of a 2-week long Data narrative module at the National Institute of Design, Bengaluru.
It is a Comparative Data Essay that gives the reader an overview of...
Flavour palettes of whisky can be complex, with many different tasting notes presenting themselves in a single dram. This visualisation, originally designed to be a poster, looks at the prevalence...
"Synthetic Landscapes" is an immersive multimedia installation featured at La Biennale di Venezia 2023. The exhibition draws a parallel between two regions: the Midwest in the U.S.A. and the Niger...
With Climate Change, my country Portugal has been witnessing a drastic worsening of its water supply. Severe droughts have been decimating up to 90% of the territory over the past years. Besides...
A fictional infographic created with data used in the book: the results of a consumer survey about a food company's new yoghurt, highlighting the two items consumers thought were most relevant, and...
Beautiful Music features sixes pieces of music which are each remarkable compositions in their own way. Visualising the notes shines a light on the different elements of each piece. Through...
An infographic with the worlds most expensive and exotic Hermès bags. Bags are listed by price and use of exotic leathers and materials.
The image has gone viral on LinkedIn and viewed by over...
This infographic delves into China's workforce composition and educational index within the broader scope of global population trends and education levels. It draws inspiration from crucial...