Achieving Net Zero provides a set of information graphics led posters that have been created to raise awareness of Scotland's commitment to meeting its net zero emissions targets by 2045 (five...
This data visualization analyzes the results of the largest to date veterinary study on a deadly cat virus called Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) and the effects of a potentially curing...
This data visualisation is a re-imagining of Minard's graph on the French invasion of Russia in 1812. This campaign marked a turning point in Napoleon's reign. Nearly a million men died, equally...
The chart uses 9 chord diagrams to visually depict communication patterns among the 9 key characters in the iconic US TV series, "The Office." The varying widths of connecting lines portray the...
This interactive dashboard encourages users to focus on one area – a country, region, or income level – and see how it compares to its counterparts across a wide range of metrics. It provides...
I have created an infographic designed for the primary audience of head staff members who navigate their Excel spreadsheets to assign rooms to new employees at the university. This visual aid aims...
This is a project based on personal data, it is dedicated to my travels over the past ten years. Date art made by hand on paper, in the style of a dreamcatcher, shows the main seasonal and regional...
The data shows the quality indication of Robosta coffee based on the country of production. Robusta coffee is a type of quality that is produced and consumed in different parts of the globe. The...
China's property market has faced challenges since the second half of 2021, including developer defaults, downgrades, maturing debts, Covid lockdowns, and mortgage boycotts. The property sector is...
All the main streets in (maybe) your city!
#QGIS #Threejs #WebGL #shaders #maps #harta #OpenSource #OSM #romania #3D #rute #routes #streets #strazi #city...
This information visualization project takes children as the main audience, starting from the wooden world of Liangzhu ancient people in Liangzhu culture, a world cultural heritage, through three...
The visualization was made for the TidyTuesday weekly challenge. I experimented with different kind of maps and charts. I ended up using points on a spiral, which reminds of a tornado and shows the...
This animated scrolling visualisation leads the reader through a personal journey of discovering what it's like to live among snakes. It's a cute and playful tale about moving to a subtropical part...
The Flood necklace is a data sculpture made of ceramics, with clay from the Loire River valley. It embeds the water heights of all registered floods in the city of Orléans (France) since 1800. This...
One of Batman's most iconic stories is a year-long mystery with murders occurring on on major holidays. This visual walks the reader through the story in a circular calender, the inner bars...
Housing availability in cities across America is failing to keep up with growing populations. To address this crisis, policymakers have begun to reconsider local zoning laws - the rules that limit...
The following submission is a data visualization thesis project. The project combines a physicalization and digital accompaniment aimed at bringing awareness to the remaining presence of lead paint...
This infographic shows the layout of the gym and all the equipment placed inside. The equipment are categorized by three categories: Leg, arm and ab workouts. Secondly, the registration process and...
When geometry and human intuition meet: What becomes of the intersection between pragmatic visual tools and emotion?
Everybody worries about something. Worrying is an act of the everyday that...
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) Vizlab created this scrolly-telling website to inform the public about streamflow drought and how it is monitored by the USGS. The website is set up so...
Mental health conditions during pregnancy or in the first year after birth can affect anyone, including those with no previous experience of mental health problems.
It’s estimated that as many as...
Imagine if policy makers and interventionalists had the ability to access and explore aggregate health information from across geographic regions at their fingertips. The Population Health OutcomEs...
A visualization of the spread of the novel Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 through Europe. (September 2022)
After more than two years of living with the pandemic of the new Corona virus Sars-CoV2 one...
This project is part of a permanent exhibition at Fondazione Pistoletto (Biella) and was created in collaboration with some local organizations.
The theme is water: from the laws that regulate...
The most diverse group of organisms on the planet are in trouble, with recent research suggesting insect populations are declining at an unprecedented rate.
Amid deforestation, pesticide use,...
Beer is the most popular drink in Brazil. Its importance has grown more and more in the past few years and there has been a boom of new craft and industrial labels. This growing plurality...
This Emergency Calls dashboard, optimized for mobile devices, illustrates prevalent incidents occurring within Atlanta, Georgia, and identifies specific locations to dispatch service assistance. It...