Moving Madness is a data visualization of my first month in another country and what a rollercoaster it was. In 2022, I packed my bags and moved across world for my masters program. The data...
The visualization was made for the TidyTuesday weekly challenge. I experimented with different kind of maps and charts. I ended up using points on a spiral, which reminds of a tornado and shows the...
"But what about protein?" is perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions to vegetarians. The doubt arises from the simple view - surrounded by problems - that meat and eggs are the main...
BROMACKER project combines paleo research and science communication at the excavation site in the UNESCO Geopark Thuringia Inselsberg - Drei Gleichen, at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, at the...
This case study was part of the Google Data Analytics Certificate Program. The task was to analyze rider behavior of the fictional company, Cyclistic Bike Share, to understand how members and...
As the amount of personal data held by governments and companies continues to grow, the personal and systemic cost of not securing this information properly also mounts. ABC News Story Lab...
America has a love affair with pickup trucks. For the last 40 years, the Ford F-150 has been the best selling car in America, but during that time trucks have shifted from humble workhorse vehicles...
I decided to visualize the largest lakes around Berlin using a new technique in Illustrator. This was a fun project to familiarize myself with my new living area and practicing the language while...
This visualization shows the shared storylines of the TV show, Modern Family. Data was gathered by analysing the summaries of each episode and identifying the number of times characters appeared...
As 2022 came to a close, I was unhappy with the inconsistency in my workout routine and eager to change. After noticing a year-long challenge in the Peloton app, I set a goal to complete 10,000...
At the beginning of this year I created a custom data visualization that anyone can use to track goals throughout the 2023 calendar year. This template can be used for personal daily goals,...
In October 2021, the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) published a report highlighting the huge impact of noise on people’s health in France. According to the report, noise in France...
The goal in this business dashboard is to understand flow of people into and out of certain departments withing a company. The "modified waterfall" chart shows an aggregate number of those who...
The following project came out as a practice outcome of one of the modules in my ongoing masters degree. The brief was to essentially explore any kind of relationship and visualize it on a A3...
This visualisation analyses NFL quarterback throw locations, breaking the throws from the primary quarterback of each team down into 5 zones to highlight similarities and differences across the...
Beer is the most popular drink in Brazil. Its importance has grown more and more in the past few years and there has been a boom of new craft and industrial labels. This growing plurality...
Data: NOAA National Geophysical Data Center. 2009: ETOPO1 1 Arc-Minute Global Relief Model. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. Accessed...
We compare land prices in different cities to find out what kind of home you could buy (and, above all, what size) after collecting the prize from the Christmas Special Draw and paying the...
In his 2004 book Perilous Times, Geoffrey R. Stone observes that with respect to free speech rights in wartime, “Time and again, Americans have suppressed dissent, imprisoned and...
This large-scale print infographic commissioned by the NGO Rede Interação and produced with the communities of Santarém, illustrates how urban life relates to climate change.
When we think of...
How can we connect research on global democratic performance, political rhetoric, and referendums with a wide audience? The Democracy Tools dashboard uses interactive data visualisation to describe...
Information Graphic Visionaries is a book series celebrating spectacular data visualization creators with original research, new writing, and beautiful visual catalogs. We launched in November 2022...
After buying a house in the Catskills in April 2022, I wanted to create a meadow garden with native plants. I wanted to plant suitable for my planting zone, 5b, and add color and interest to my...
This viz looks at women athletes in rock climbing, and how rock climbing is one of the very few sports where men and women have equal opportunities to succeed at the same level. Despite this almost...
Mini Metro is a game that allows users to design public transit systems in various cities across the world. I'm a big fan of the game- but also the game's engaging design. Inspired by the layout of...
A Mother’s Unwavering Journey: Navigating Pregnancy, Full-time Job, and Motherhood. Through sleepless nights and overwhelming fatigue, I found solace in data tracking, discovering my strength and...
The Köppen classification identifies thirty unique Earth zones based on climate. Currently, Africa contains twenty of these zones. With global warming, temperate areas diminish and less livable...