Each year The Atlantic Council's Freedom and Prosperity Center publishes their Freedom and Prosperity Indexes, dedicated to exploring the relationship between freedom and prosperity in both...
Our World in Data publish yearly stats on energy usage by country and energy source type (https://github.com/owid/energy-data), and this makes for an intimidating dataset on an increasingly urgent...
In 2023, the 75th anniversary year of the Italian Constitution, the WITHUB publishing group represented the Charter using an interactive data journalism project. This work, which then became one of...
Harlequins are a rugby team based in West London, known and loved in the sport for their distinctive kit. This visualisation uses the quadrant style of their home shirt to display point for and...
With more than 2 million tickets sold on the first day they were available – the most sold by an artist in a single day – The Eras Tour is a historically monumental event that's breaking stadium...
The chart uses 9 chord diagrams to visually depict communication patterns among the 9 key characters in the iconic US TV series, "The Office." The varying widths of connecting lines portray the...
Climate change poses many risks to human health one of which is increased risk of infections. This poster presents data linking climate change to viral infections. As a researcher I was keen to...
The blueprint for founding the curriculum of the Dubai Insitute of Design and Innovation. Initially submitted to the Board, and now a living document that guides the curriculum, which was developed...
This is an exploration of hats created and worn over six different continents.
In this interactive exploration, I've attempted to give context to each hat with its respective attire.
The sex and race of every Saturday Night Live host since the show's inception in 1975.
SNL has only recently begun to meaningfully incorporate women of color as hosts.
The UK government has invested in high-tech surveillance for the English Channel. But as the number of small boats arriving on UK shores continues to rise, it’s not clear whether this expensive AI...
Star Trek version 😀
Video: https://youtu.be/hZWyB-hYJC0
Data: NOAA National Geophysical Data Center. 2009: ETOPO1 1 Arc-Minute Global Relief Model. NOAA National Centers for Environmental...
Everyday objects sometimes intrinsically carry data about our lifestyle. When I first moved to Finland, I noticed that the bread clip design is very different from what I saw in Singapore. Out of...
When A and B met in June 2023 it was the 4th time they had seen each other in over a decade. They usually kept in touch by email but this had an inconsistent history. Both blamed each other for the...
I was curious to understand the invisible threads between people, what the work and social connections look like at Barabasi Lab. With the help of a custom-made script, all active colleagues filled...
I created this piece for the Data Is Plural challenge, which invited us to visualize data about Bob Ross, an artist that painted an oil painting on each episode of his TV show, The Joy of Painting....
Another Life is an interactive installation designed to help young people rewrite their lives.
Antithetical to digital interfaces where errors can be erased, the physical interface here — a...
Which environmental chemicals are most prevalent in the general population’s blood and urine? Which demographic groups have the most significant risk of exposure to environmental chemicals? The...
The term 'Glass Ceiling' is commonly used in the business world to describe the difficulties faced by women and minorities when trying to move into higher roles in male-dominated corporate...
This infographic is an experimental blend of movie box office data and artistic design. Its purpose is to serve as both an informative visual representation of statistics and a captivating poster....
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On July 23, 2023, general elections were held in Spain, which were advanced by the...
The British royal family has mastered the art of visual communication, especially through their clothing choices. Prominent women of the family - Princess Diana; Queen Elizabeth; Catherine,...
They are the foundation of life on Earth, providing food, medicine, building materials and clean air but across the world, plant species are disappearing fast.
The world contains around 423,000...
An immersive motion-sensitive experience showing the disastrous impact of plastic in our oceans.
The Blue Paradox is a powerful and thought-provoking exhibit that raises awareness of the plastic...
As the globe swelters under hotter and hotter temperatures, the simple surfaces around us can become a threat to human health. This piece explains the danger surfaces exposed to extreme heat pose,...
This interactive visualization depicts the family trees of three ancient mythologies; The Greeks, The Norse, and The Egyptians and allows users to trace the origins of different mythological beings.
This dashboard is an analysis into the results of email marketing campaigns, specifically focusing on key metrics such as open rate and click rate. The viz is split into 3 pages: a monthly...
This term typically encompasses the era spanning from the late 1940s to the 1960s, during which Bollywood created some of its most iconic and long-lasting films, featuring legendary actors and...
Rosa Pugilatu, more commonly known as the Glove Rose, is a new specie of flower. It blossoms periodically on the occasion of major boxing tournaments following an Olympic flowering cycle. Each...