The Asana PM Swift sources data from the project management software, Asana, for a dashboard to help teams view their workload at a glance. As businesses and teams face increasingly complex...
“Breaking point” is a multimedia story that provides an in-depth, data-driven look at the global shipbreaking industry. Drawing on thousands of manually compiled records, interviews, and firsthand...
The World Hostility Graph displays the totality of the world's recorded conflicts from 1816 to 2014. In 198 years, 199 countries created 4726 conflicts whose outcomes created our modern...
'Perfect Laundry Day' was created as part of my master's graduate thesis project at Parsons School of Design (class of 2023) This project aims to deliver a sustainable and attainable solution that...
'What's in a Title?' is an exploration into the repetitiveness and patterns present within Fantasy Romance book titles. Using 760 book titles from Goodreads' Fantasy Romance genre as a foundation,...
This quilt was designed utilizing a data set from Our World In Data, which tracked the increase in animals killed every year for meat production. In the quilt, red = cows, orange = pigs, and yellow...
This is a project based on personal data, it is dedicated to my travels over the past ten years. Date art made by hand on paper, in the style of a dreamcatcher, shows the main seasonal and regional...
This project looks at the effect that historic redlining has had on the city of Pittsburgh. The visualization explores the geographic redlined areas and the levels of current spending in relation...
The visualization shows the data of the Creative Economy publication, published numbers, articles, authors. It shows the distribution of authors according to their gender, nationality and role.
Curbing global warming, halting the loss of biodiversity, and building a just and equitable economy are among the world’s most pressing needs. To track progress and reveal systemic obstacles to...
As part of the Real World Fake Data #RWFD community project, this dashboard seeks to visualize the cross-functional mobility of a hypothetical company with less than 100 employees, i.e. their...
This is an interactive narrative that delves into the contrasting lives of Romanians immediately after the collapse of communism in 1989 and their present-day counterparts across key aspects of...
The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study offers a comprehensive overview of pressing societal issues of mortality and disability on a global scale, encompassing 204 different countries. It...
The Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is China's largest annual holiday. This year, with COVID-19 restrictions recently lifted, the traditional "chunyun" travel rush has...
Seinfeld, a show about nothing, certainly had a lot going on...and a lot of recurring characters. In this visual, we break down all characters appearing in at least 6 episodes. And I guarantee that...
China's property market has faced challenges since the second half of 2021, including developer defaults, downgrades, maturing debts, Covid lockdowns, and mortgage boycotts. The property sector is...
Inspired by the #journaldataviz, I've collected data on my 1 week vacation in July 2023. During this time we traveled with my family and I helped them around the house.
The visualization was...
This work consists in a group of maps created for the exhibition Nhe'˜e Porã: Memory and Transformation, focused on the language of Brazil's indigenous people, in the Museum of Portuguese Language...
Over the past two decades, governments around the world have responded to climate change through various initiatives and policies, with carbon pricing at the forefront.
This graphic maps 70...
Immediately following a cancer diagnosis last year, I was unceremoniously dumped by someone I thought was "the one." Needing to find an answer for what really happened, I started investigating the...
How High We Go in the Dark is a novel by Sequoia Nagamatsu. Told through interconnected short stories, this book follows a climate-induced global pandemic over thousands of years, exploring themes...
The 2021 U.S. Census surveyed educational attainment for people aged 25 years and older.
The largest group of over 85 million people have a Bachelors degree or higher.
Fewer than 26 million...
The data representation shows data about different available mess facilities, the trends in number of food consumers which can be used by the university admin to get an overview of the whole system.
This is an interactive information design that maps the genetic proximity of languages after you select the language you speak. It gives a set of languages that is closest and furthest in genetic...
This visualisation explores the UK's 2019 general election results. Specifically, it looks at whether there is a relationship between turnout and swing by party and region.
I processed the data...
Shenzhen, known as China's booming silicon valley today, used to be a small fish town 40 years ago. Today, it ranks as one of the top mega-cities in China and a leading example of urbanization in...
Encompassing legendary rivalries and boasting formidable teams, the South Eastern Conference (SEC) embodies an unwavering commitment to the art of football. Its legacy of nurturing premier talent...
When election promises are not kept, this is met with incomprehension in our society. Behind political decisions often stand compromises, which are necessary to generate majorities. They form the...