CNN’s Houses of Parliament interactive offers audiences a unique experience: the chance to step inside one of the world’s most iconic buildings in a purpose-built 360 immersive environment. Users...
While we all strive for it, happiness is a hard thing to achieve. This was especially true for 2020 which according to the Hedonometer was the saddest year on record. Living these sad thoughts...
In just two decades of the new century, Russia did come so far. And so did it’s people’s lifestyle and social structure which changed along with rising economic well being. This long read is an...
This project shows all medals in Olympic history from 1896 - 2022 in one single interactive chart. Medal clusters can be sorted and filtered to display
🥇 Medal tables for each Olympic game
Passing your driving test is a challenging task but did you know some locations have easier to pass tests than others? I've visualised all driving test centre pass rates in the UK to find the...
Dowry is official illegal in India, yet it remains common. Even in Delhi, the country's modernizing capital, 1,330 dowry cases were registered with the police in the first 6 months of 2017,...
Freshwater has been described as the oil of the 21st century. In the wake of extreme water stress events across the globe in places like Cape Town, Mexico City, and Australia, I wanted to explore...
Recently the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ( released a report detailing Medicare Provider Charge Data which shows the cost of procedures or DRGs at various hospitals across...
Since its inception in 1992, the Powerball lottery has been a beacon of hope, a glimmering opportunity for ordinary people to step into the realm of the extraordinarily wealthy. It's a dream that...
We wanted to show the difference of scale made by animals that were tracked, including mankind, depending on their needs. The result is a group of transparent disks with different sizes...
Italy is considered to be one of the countries with the highest number of cultural properties but it is very difficult to estimate their amount, know their location and maintenance status. The...
Dissecting thoughts through languages: Consciously extracting and quantifying the components of the languages I use on a daily basis.
In this project, I looked at my WhatsApp messages and voice...
Visualising Jane Austen's people, places and plots:
Jane Austen died 200 years ago, but her novels have never been more popular. But what goes into a Jane Austen novel? And what gets left out?
Analysis of over 100 years of Indy 500 races, with a focus on the changing speeds, going from an average of only 81mph in 1911 to a fastest of 190mph in 2021. Enjoy the analysis being told through...
2021 was the year when we created our first ever greeting card, taking the form of a retrospective of our work. This project was made possible by one of the most visible aspects of the company's...
Explore African literacy statistics with a focus on Nigeria's status as an educational giant. This Tableau dashboard visually presents key insights and trends, shedding light on the nation's...
This chart is read left to right, up to down. Each row represents a year in my life (starting at age 15), and is made up of 365 columns representing days. You can navigate through the dates and...
Safari zones are nature preserves are different regions where Trainers can catch wild (and sometimes rare) Pokemon. What's unique about Safari Zones is the mechanics by which a trainer can catch...
I was curious to understand the invisible threads between people, what the work and social connections look like at Barabasi Lab. With the help of a custom-made script, all active colleagues filled...
In the wake of the two years of protests in Hong Kong, the South China Morning Post’s city desk and infographics team decided to showcase 173 prominent leaders, including 108 district councillors...
A Marshall Project analysis of New York Division of Criminal Justice Services data from 2014 through June of this year shows that while the numbers of turnstile arrests have decreased...
I wanted to create a visual that highlighted two things as simply as possible: 1) the distribution of the world's population and 2) the locations with the highest population densities. That's how...
A special historical project by Russian news agency TASS dedicated to one of the most dramatic pages in Russia’s past – the Patriotic War of 1812. This program is based on a map outlined by French...
The number of cases is rising, more and more people are dying and yet: we read and write mainly about statistics and hardly about people. How can we bring humanity back to the emotionless...
The aim was to visualise the 400 years of silence between the Old and New Testaments of the Bible... no pressure!
An epiphany came to visualise God speaking either side of that silence. Data was...
Atlas is a data visualization catalog inspired by the groundbreaking work of William Playfair and his "The Commercial and Political Atlas," published in 1786. While chart catalogs aren't new, what...
How much CO2 is emitted by producing wheat versus beef burgers, or by taking a transatlantic flight, or by different countries each year, or by the global shipping industry?
The media throws...
For this thought experiment, we asked one former Republican speech writer and one Democratic speechwriter to team up and compose a bipartisan presidential stump speech that panders to the largest...
As climate change alters habitats and disrupts ecosystems, where will animals move to survive? And will human development prevent them from getting there? This map shows the average...