This data visualization animation brings to life the extraordinary expansion of deportations managed by the EU's Coastal and Borders Agency, Frontex. It shows in a thought-provoking way the growing...
"What's Your Vote Worth?" presents America's proven capacity to improve equal access for its voters, while also encouraging readers to critically examine aspects of the American voting system where...
Since Iran’s Constitutional Revolution in 1905 and the birth of modern media in the country, successive Iranian governments have intimidated, imprisoned, tortured and killed journalists and...
Biovotion is a multi-award winning non-invasive health monitoring device. It defines the next generation physiological monitoring platform which allows accurate, truly wearable and continuous...
Another Life is an interactive installation designed to help young people rewrite their lives.
Antithetical to digital interfaces where errors can be erased, the physical interface here — a...
Everything that happens on Wikipedia is recorded, and as such, constitutes data - a signal that can be parsed for meaning. Looking at the number of times a given article is edited, only for the...
Today in the world there are 541 million young workers, accounting for over 15 per cent of the global labour force.
What does it mean to be young workers in 2018?
With 313 million workers...
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to measure brain activity in seven people while they listened to more than 2 hours of stories from The Moth Radio Hour. This data was used...
Royal & aristocratic families are known for their fondness of marrying within their own clique. This leads to very interesting & entangled family trees which the Royal Constellations visual...
A honeycomb represents the power of cooperation. In a way similar to bees working together in a community to build and maintain their hive, people around the globe work together to produce wealth...
On April 17, 2019, Xinhua News Agency published "Dare! Superstars Fall" —Talking about the life story of Xia Suisheng, the pioneer of organ transplantation in China, and the status of domestic...
This application generates a random medieval city layout of a requested size. The generation method is rather arbitrary, the goal is to produce a nice looking map, not an accurate model of a city....
The world will not end hunger until girls and women are empowered. Empowerment relies on annual data to track the issues that matter most. The United Nations has defined a set of 52 indicators...
The graphs represent the correlation between economic dependence and psychological violence. The matrix graph shows the percentage distribution of women who work for a salary and women who do not...
Meltwater from Greenland’s ice sheet contributes about 0.8 millimeters a year to global sea level rise. That number might sound insignificant but it is accelerating, and part of a trend that could...
Mobile advertising is on the rise. Millward Brown Brasil developed a study to understand more of this universe. Share of time spent has changed with the possibilities brought by smartphone...
Google Trends data allows us to see what people are searching for at a very local level. This visualization tracks the top searches for common health issues in the United States, from Cancer to...
This TNS UK research document gives an overview of consumer attitudes, concerns and behaviours on food. The team worked hard to turn the potentially dry data into an engaging design through...
There are at least 7,102 known languages alive in the world today. Twenty-three of these languages are a mother tongue for more than 50 million people. The 23 languages make up the native tongue of...
In the age of image socialisation, images are one of the main ways we perceive our surroundings and communicate with people. Digital filters have emerged and changed, allowing people to present...
By analysing over 1,250 attempted transactions – both successful and failed – we can observe the ebb and flow of Chinese investments and contracts. Momentum has grown since 2010 with the energy and...
In 2023, Fight for $15 celebrated a decade of major victories raising the minimum wage across the United States. This work was commissioned and printed for a New York exhibition featuring the art...