It is a work done from the Jihadist attack in Barcelona during the month of August.
The infographic explains the tour of the terrorists on La Rambla in Barcelona and the places most frequented by...
The clearest visualization of bitcoin we have ever seen. After this summer’s massive Petya/NotPetya hack, Keith Collins of Quartz wanted to show what happened to the $10,000 worth of ransom...
A series of infographics, developed for UNWOMEN’s new flagship report, 'Turning promises into action', uncover significant gaps for women’s empowerment. The infographic show how gender equality is...
This explainer-piece breaks down for an international audience why the US-midterms are important, how they function and what has been the party-wise trends over the years. Also, it looks at related...
The entrant has supplied multiple files for this work [1] [2]
The Water Scarcity Clock is an interactive data visualization webtool created to raise awareness about the reality of water as a...
This is a visual information map of the tour around Yellowstone Park. A tour route was drawn up in the information map, including nine recommended sites. How far are they? What are the recommended...
Data from the National UFO Reporting Center, compared against US Census Data and visualised - sightings per capita, sighting time, even trending shapes of UFOs.
The joys of the airport: Late or canceled flights. Long lines. Crowded terminals. Overpriced, appalling food. Bloomberg Businessweek surveyed more than 3,000 frequent flyers, analyzed travel...
As Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, FiveThirtyEight looked for a way to visualize how long the road to recovery can take. New Yorker’s 3-1-1 calls since Hurricane Sandy showed us that the...
The Korean Fir or Conifer is a phytochemical plant which only grows in South Korea.
It is located at high latitude region of the northern hemisphere because of its ability to withstand cold or...
I'm very interested in the memory of the Web. I'm fascinated by the fact that millions of sites and pages created in the 2000s simply don't exist today. They've been erased from the Web's surface....
Think Game of Thrones is complicated? Try the royal houses of Europe! Starting with Charlemagne, this poster includes the monarchs of England, Scotland, Great Britain, Spain, France, the...
A data visualization that presents the global distribution, across continents and countries, of minerals using the periodic table of elements.
There is strong competition among producing...
Some animals live for spans once thought impossible, others die off fast, and a handful appear to age hardly at all. The bowhead whale, for example, can survive more than 200 years despite the risk...
This project is about the revival of the ancient Incan Quipu. Quipu is a recording device used by the Incas for collecting and keeping track of data. It consists of cords containing numeric and...
NB: This project is only viewable on a mobile device in a portrait orientation.
High quality education comes at a price in China, a high price indeed. In 2008, Beijing reformed its middle school...
More than 12,000 people in Germany are currently waiting for a transplant operation. This project looks at organ donation from the point of view of both donors and recipients, visualising the...
What was the likelihood that Obama would be re-elected? Instead of talking to the pundits, The Economist listened to the data. Specifically, we looked at the president's economic performance in the...
At Wedodata, our job is to tell stories with data. And we are particularly sensitive to those of our world engaged in a singular period, between collapse and reinvention.
So when we saw a new kind...
Everywhere around the world, governments face challenges planning infrastructure and transport. These challenges include growing and aging populations, safety and the environment. The Future...
Group information assignment, featuring data from the group survey of 1200 real data points. The main vision in the form of visual chart directly reflects the relationship between visible and...
Many large cities in China, especially Chongqing, Wuhan and Nanjing, were traditionally known as “furnace cities”, suffer from long-lasing hot weather in summer.
In recent years, with the global...
#MomsWhoViz was built in honour of this year's Women’s History Month and the aim of the viz is to showcase the lovely women in my #MomsWhoViz group. The group is very special to me and I wanted to...
This visualization shows the variety of physical flood risks to structured finance collateral stemming from climate change. At Moody’s this infographic has been one of the most-read Structured...
After five editions of consistently high-quality publications, the American Cancer Society and Vital Strategies sought to create a more readable and engaging experience for users perusing the...
Wikipedia is constantly growing, and it is written by people around the world. To illustrate this, we created a map of recent changes on Wikipedia, which displays the approximate location of...
The project gives a new perspective on the world and the »Democracy Index« by The Economist. Usually, we compare countries on a map. This is reasonable as their geographical position and shape is...