Communication is critical during a public health emergency like the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. But misinformation and rumors about COVID-19 and COVID vaccines, undermine efforts to keep people...
In demographic statistics the difference between the number of births and deaths is called “natural balance”.
The infographic compares the natural balance of Germany's three biggest cities:...
This graphic was created to illustrate the driving forces that will shape the future of food systems in the developing world.
Given the subject matter, I chose to illustrate each aspect as a pie...
Cloisonné a kind of Chinese handicrafts, with history over 600 years. Cloisonné is an important variety of metal crafts in China. This information design is about the process of making cloisonné.
CityWays is research at MIT Senseable City Lab to reveal human’s recreational patterns through visualizing datasets from self-tracking applications and environmental factors. In the CityWays web...
Changing the Narrative informs and educates young adults about the history of true crime podcasts and how they have brought awareness to and solved cases and given power to people.
The chart uses 9 chord diagrams to visually depict communication patterns among the 9 key characters in the iconic US TV series, "The Office." The varying widths of connecting lines portray the...
Many of the defining forces of our time — the rise of the digital age, the globalization of the economy, the decline of American competitiveness — can be understood through one simple thing: a...
The choropleth map shows the mean Euclidian distance to roads for each of the 11.224 municipalities of Germany. The darker the color, the larger the average distance.
The visualization makes use...
Visualize various top pitchers performances throughout the 2017 season using these versatile heatmaps. You can easily see patterns around when pitchers gave up runs throughout the season from a...
A visualization of the spread of the novel Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 through Europe. (September 2022)
After more than two years of living with the pandemic of the new Corona virus Sars-CoV2 one...
The Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Index is a national-level composite indicator founded on 21 relevant indicators. This website provides a user-friendly visualisation of the index and an entry...
This visualisation explores the use of plastic bags in the UK. Specifically, I focus on legislation aimed at reducing plastic bag usage and what impact this has made.
The entrant has supplied an...
328 religious communities were invited by the Canton of Bern to participate in a survey. The purpose of the survey was to learn about the growing diversity of the religious landscape in the canton...
Experience the amazing story of how Apple created the iPod, iTunes, and other related products. Ten years of iPod and iTunes history in a magnificent looking radial chart, down to the last detail:...
In early 2020, BBC Science Focus magazine approached me to produce an infographic that explored various aspects of the Covid-19 outbreak - including an overview, symptoms and a comparison to other...
A digital PR campaign for Together Money. With three in four Brits saying it’s important to support shops on their local high street, but a worrying economic climate leading to national brands...
A visual experiment that evaluates the evolving graphic symbolism of the United States, True Colors is a collection of flags generated from the 2016 American Community Survey. Each flag is based on...
DrWhy is a collection of tools for Explainable AI (XAI). It involves a set of data visualizations, explaining different aspects of predictive Machine Learning models and their performance.
The birth of the printing press not only revolutionized education and knowledge, it also reshaped the design of letterforms. This opened up a whole industry for printers-scholars, type cutters, and...
The Canadian Men's National Team qualified for the 2022 Men's World Cup for the first time in 36 years. This visualization created in Tableau Public explores the team's remarkable journey through...
Big data gets all the glory, so I set out to explore data of a much smaller and more personal nature. Little Data is an ongoing series of data visualizations based on hand-collected personal data...
**The demo video and pictorial of this project can be found in
Social media platforms generate a constant flow of digital expressions, opinions, and emotions, forming a...
This data and experience design mural was created in collaboration between University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education (Penn GSE) and staff during its 2022 Staff Retreat.
By choosing...