
Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards 2015

Welcome to our global awards, celebrating awesomeness in data-visualization and infographics. Now in our fourth year!

With over $30,000 in prizes, 13 categories, and nearly 40 illustrious judges, we're here to exhibit and honour what looks like another vintage year in the data-visualisation scene.

We’ve remixed the format for 2015. Biggest change: the majority of longlist entries will now be nominated by our judges and you, our beloved visitors. Any work created from May 2014 onwards can be considered for entry.

Nominated entries will be joined by those from the commercial sector - agencies, studios, businesses - who have four paid entry types. All will be considered alike by our esteemed panel of judges. 

Nominations closed on 30 Oct 2015; public voting closed 27 Nov 2015. The Longlist and the Shortlist and the Winners have been announced.

  • Nominations closed on Oct 30th 2015

    Whether you have created the work yourself or you wish to nominate someone else's work, these are the categories:

    • Data Visualization - a singular visualisation of data
    • Infographic - a series of data-visualizations along a story or theme
    • Interactive Visualization 
    • Motion Infographic 
    • Free Tool - any tool or library that’s free to use
    • Dataviz Website - what’s your favourite website to see new work?
    • Data Journalism - running text, visualisations and other media combined to tell a story
    • Dataviz Project - a collection of multiple visualisations in project or book form
    • Mini-visualization - a small graph or chart that says a lot

    Judges nominations and consensus from our visitors form the longlist.

    Please note: No work that was entered into the awards in 2012 -2014 can be re-entered.

  • Commercial entities - professional studios, agencies and commercial non-media businesses - have a set of 4 special awards which were pay-to-enter at $100 per entry.

    As of 30 Oct 2015 paid entries are closed.

    • Paid Tool - any subscription-based dataviz tool
    • Commercial Client Project - commissioned piece of work for a commercial client
    • Internal Business Project - a dataviz project you created for internal use
    • Commercial Studio - you're a commercial entity who creates dataviz as part (or all) of your output


  • A panel of over 30 expert judges from the dataviz scene will be joined by a public vote. Meet the first few judges to be announced.

    You, the dataviz community, will be asked to vote on your favorite piece of work in each category.

    Longlists and shortlists will be showcased on the awards site.

    Your votes and the votes of our judges will then decide who is drenched in glory and crowned the winners!

    2015 Timeline

    30th October - entries have closed 

    5th Nov - Long list published

    16th Nov - Shortlist published

    2nd Dec - Winners announced

    All shortlisted entrants will be invited to a rather nice party in London, England in December to find out the winners.

    Judging Criteria

    Submitted pieces will be evaluated across a range of criteria:

    • Strength of idea / proposition
    • Angle
    • Information / data quality
    • Usefulness
    • Revelation
    • Execution
    • Ease of use
    • Beauty
    • Originality
    • Style
    • Design
    • Flair / Creative touch
    • Originality
  • Category Awards

    We award a bronze, silver and gold prize in each category:

    • Bronze – $500
    • Silver – $1,000
    • Gold – $1,500

    Special awards

    • Best Team – $1,000
    • Best Individual Contribution Award – $1,000
    • Student Award – $1,000
    • Community Award – $1,000
    • Most Beautiful Award – $5,000
  • format

    Web work should be at least 1024 pixels wide at a minimum of 72dpi. (Mobile / miniviz entries can be smaller if applicable.) Everything else should ideally be 2048px wide at 300dpi.

    If you submitted a URL please ensure that it will be live until at least 2nd December 2015 when the awards ceremony is hosted in London.

    foreign language

    If your entry is in another language please submit the original foreign language entry and send us a translation via email to, making sure to include your name and entry details.

    payment not showing in your account?

    Our team associates the payments manually once we have checked the entry. If yours is not showing as paid we might not yet have got round to your entry yet. Feel free to contact us to check.


    Check our handy guide to the 12 categories. If that doesn't answer things get in touch with us and we’ll do our very best to help: