
Meet our judges, part 2


Jen is senior graphics editor at Scientific American and was previously at National Geographic. Jen is an expert in understanding, interpreting, and communicating scientific content visually.

@ChristiansenJen |


Andy is a data visualisation specialist: A design consultant, training provider, author, editor of, speaker and researcher. 

@visualisingdata |


Sandra Rendgen is an author & editor with a particular focus on infographics, interactive media and the history of information visualization. She is author of 'Information Graphics' (2012) and 'Understanding the World' (2014), both published by Taschen.

@srendgen |


Heather is an illustrator, wanderluster, appetizer chef, mapmaker & Graphics Designer at Time Magazine and She won Silver in last year's Awards with her Game of Thrones infographic

@msjonesnyc |


Simon Rogers is a data journalist, writer, speaker & data editor at Google in California. He is author of ‘Facts are Sacred’, published by Faber & Faber, plus a new range of childrens' infographics books from Candlewick. Simon was previously creator and editor of, probably the world's most popular data journalism website. It publishes hundreds of raw datasets and encourages its users to visualise and analyse them.

@smfrogers | Google NewsLab


A Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, Manuel was nominated by Creativity magazine as "one of the 50 most creative and influential minds of 2009". Manuel is a designer, researcher, teacher, and founder of, a visual exploration on mapping complex networks.

@mslima |



» Meet our other judges here: [part 1] [part 3] [part 4]

» You can also vote, visiting our showcase.


Posted in Awards — over 9 years ago