
The Winners: Current Affairs & Politics

Spotlighting the winners in the Current Affairs & Politics category, for works on news, politics, finance & economics.


GOLD ($1000)

On Their Way: the Journey of Foreign Fighters by Density Design

Detailing the journeys of ISIS foreign fighters.


SILVER ($500)

One Angry Bird by Periscopic

Analysing the facial expressions of the last 6 presidents during the past 10 inaugurations.


BRONZE ($250)

Want to fix gun violence in America? Go local by The Guardian

Mapping America’s gun violence epidemic.



The Electoral College misrepresents every state, but not as much as you may think by Denise Lu, Washington Post

Examining the US electoral college system.


:: See all 2017 winners

:: Get ready for 2018

Posted in Awards — over 7 years ago