
2018 Awards Categories

Two brand new categories in this year's Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards. Which will you enter?


Public categories 

Gold ($1,000), Silver ($500) and Bronze ($250) in each of the following categories:

Arts, Entertainment & Culture; Breaking News (NEW!); Leisure, Games & Sport; Maps, Places & Spaces; People, Language & Identity; Politics & Global; Humanitarian; Unusual; Science & Technology; Visualization & Information Design (NEW!)

Special Award Categories (at judges' discretion)

$1,000 in each of the following: Best Non-English Language, Best Studio, Best Individual, Rising Star, Visitors' Vote

$5,000 ultimate prize: Most Beautiful 


Public Entry Categories

Honouring the best in dataviz, infographics, interactives and more, these categories offer prizes of USD $1000 (Gold); $500 (Silver) and $250 (Bronze). Judging is by a combination of our 30+ panel of experts representing each category as well as numerous dataviz gurus, aided by a public vote for our community of 300,000.


Arts, Entertainment & Culture

(view 2017's shortlisted entries)

About culture created for audiences, including art, music, film, theatre, dance and literature, plus history, food etc. eg 2017 winner:

The Unlikely Odds of Making it Big by The Pudding



Breaking News

(NEW category for 2018)

For breaking news stories and published to a tight deadline (max 72 hours) - in your entry please describe the context of the story and how long the piece took from commission to publication. Similar to last year's Current Affairs entries, eg:

The Electoral College misrepresents every state, but not as much as you may think by Denise Lu, Washington Post.

NB: General news and current affairs entries will be rolled into other categories this year.


Leisure, Games & Sport 

(view 2017's shortlisted entries)

About sport, hobbies, games & leisure pursuits, including hobbies such as eating, making music and painting, eg 2017 winner

NYC Foodiverse by Will Su



Maps, Places & Spaces 

(view 2017's shortlisted entries)

About the natural or built environment, or any map / dashboard / visual that doesn't fit into other categories, eg 2017 winner 

1812: When Napoleon Ventured East - by TASS Russian News Agency



People, Language & Identity

(view 2017's shortlisted entries)

About people, worlds, language, personal or cultural data and the quantified self, eg 2017 winner

Women Farmers in the Loneliness of Onion Fields by Agnès Stienne, VisionsCarto



Politics & Global 

(view 2017's shortlisted entries)

About society, politics, global, financial or economic issues, eg 2017 winner

Those Who Did Not Cross - by Levi Westerveld



Science & Technology

(view 2017's shortlisted entries)

About science, technology, medicine and health, eg 2017 winner

Nutrition Label - by Vivek Menon



(part of Global, Politics & Humanitarian in 2017)

About aid and charity. eg. 2017 winner

Viz for Social Good by Chloe Tseng


Visualization & Information Design

(NEW category for 2018)

Meta stuff looking at the dataviz community itself, or offering guides on charts & graphics. eg 2017 shortlister

Flourish by Duncan Clark, Robin Houston and team



(see 2017's shortlisted entries)

Can't find a category that matches your work? Enter it here. Please note that our team may reallocate some entries. eg. 2017 winner

Forma Fluens by Mauro Martino



Special Prizes for 2018:

  • Best Non-English language (USD $1k)
  • Best Studio (USD $1k)
  • Best Individual (USD $1k)
  • Rising Star (USD $1k)
  • Visitor's vote (USD $1k)

Most Beautiful

After a hiatus in 2017, this year we are reinstating the Most Beautiful prize. USD $5000 goes to the judges' favourite entry across the entire Awards - which in 2016 was won by Spies in the Skies by Peter Aldhous and Charles Seife...


....and in 2015 was Dear Data by Giorgia Lupi and Stefanie Posavec. 

Now it's your turn

:: Check out 2017's winners and shortlistees
:: Enter on the Awards page (open as of Tues 5 June)

Entries close Friday 14 September, 11.59pm PST. 

Posted in Awards — almost 7 years ago