
What makes for a show-stopping piece of infodesign?

Are you considering entering your work in the Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards, or using your expert eye to vote for the winners?

Before you vote for your favourites, consider what our judges look out for in a successful data visualization or infographic:



  • Is it interesting? Is the idea thought-provoking? Topical? Funny? Good story well told?
  • Is it accurate? Consistent data? Reliable research? Clever methodology?
  • Is it useful? Does it work well? Good information flow? Does it deepen understanding?
  • Is it beautiful? Does design serve subject matter? Is it elegant? Clear? Distinctive?


  • "Je ne sais quoi": Originality, unexpected twists, creative flair, new angle on old subject
  • Red flags: Anything too technical, or succeeds on only one or two dimensions

To see how these elements work together, hop over to Information is Beautiful founder David McCandless's What Makes a Good Visualization.


:: View our Showcase of past winners

Posted in Awards — over 6 years ago