
Meet the Judges: People & Places

We are excited to wrap up our series highlighting the exceptional judges of the 2018 Awards with an amazing panel of demographers, architects, professors of feminist & gender studies - and more.

:: See the full list of our 2018 judges here, and get to know our judges in Data Design - Arts & Culture - Journalism & Media - Science & Technology - Breaking News & Politics


Bronwen is the Director of Research and Innovation for the Small Media Foundation as well as a co-founder of DATA4CHAN.GE, a London-based non-profit that supports civil society organisations to collect, analyse, humanise and visualise data.

@data4change | Web


Associate Professor of Architecture at the Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation at Columbia University. Laura's work is currently on view at the Venice Architecture Biennale.

@laurakurgan | Web


Emma is the Creative Director at Kantar and Managing Director at Graphic Digital Agency. She was formerly Head of Digital Agency at Guardian News and Media. 

@MMAWhitehead | Web


Kim Rees is the Head of Data Experience Design at Capital One.

@krees | Web



Max is an adjunct instructor at PennDesign, CEO of Elementus, and runs the data visualization blog Metrocosm.

@galka_max | Web


Simon is a partner at The Demographics Group in Melbourne, Australia, and a columnist for The Australian newspaper. He focuses on the Australian Census, the workforce of the future, social cohesion in Australia, global megatrends and generational value shifts.

@simongerman600 | Web



Usman Haque is a founding partner of Umbrellium, designing and building urban technologies that support citizen empowerment and high-impact engagement in cities; and Thingful, a search engine for the Internet of Things. He received the 2008 Design of the Year Award from the Design Museum.

@uah | Web


Leng Montgomery is a Diversity and Inclusion Executive and Trans specialist from the UK who actively engages and consults with private and public sector companies. He is currently a Diversity and Inclusion Executive at Sainsbury’s where he leads on LGBT for the group which includes Argos and Habitat. In 2014 he was the first openly trans contestant on BBC’s Masterchef.

@lengmonty | Web


Jennifer Doyle is a professor of English at UC Riverside. She writes about art, performance and sports and is the author of Hold It Against Me: Difficulty and Emotion in Contemporary Art, and writes about football for a range of outlets including The Howler, Deadspin, and The Guardian. She is currently working on a collection of essays on the sport spectacle.

@fromaleftwing | Web


:: Check out our judges working in Arts & Culture - Journalism & Media - Science & Technology - Data Design - Breaking News & Politics

:: Full list of 2018 judges

:: Brush shoulders with the winners at our New York ceremony Tuesday 4 December

:: See the 2017 winners

:: Delve into the 2018 Shortlist

Posted in Awards — over 6 years ago