
Information is Beautiful Awards 2018: The Winners

Let's raise a glass to dataviz that pushes boundaries, illuminates truth, and celebrates beauty. Thank you to everyone who joined us on the Information is Beautiful Awards journey this year - now see which entries took home trophies at tonight's spectacular ceremony.


Arts, Entertainment & Culture


GOLD WINNER: Frames of Mind by Alberto Lucas López for National Geographic

SILVER WINNER: Coins - A Journey Through a Rich Cultural Collection by University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

BRONZE WINNER: Quartetto Sincronie performing Beethoven op. 74 num. 10 by Angela Testa, Manlio Massimetti & Prof. Elena Ippoliti - Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”


Leisure, Games & Sport

GOLD WINNER: Reimagine the Game by Signal Noise

SILVER WINNER: 20 Years 20 Titles by SRF Data

BRONZE WINNER: A Night Under the Stars by Jordan Vincent


Maps, Places & Spaces

GOLD WINNER: Here’s How America Uses Its Land by Dave Merrill & Lauren Leatherby at Bloomberg LP

SILVER WINNER: Italia: The Airship Crash Chronicle by TASS Russian News Agency

BRONZE WINNER: Streetscapes - Mozart, Marx & A Dictator by Zeit Online


People, Language & Identity

GOLD WINNER: Simulated Dendrochronology of U.S. Immigration 1790-2016 by Pedro M Cruz & team with Northeastern University & National Geographic

SILVER WINNER: What 1.2m parliamentary speeches can teach us about gender representation by Durand D’souza with The Pudding & 50:50 Parliament

JOINT BRONZE: Casting Shakespeare by Eric Lin

JOINT BRONZE: Women's Pockets Are Inferior by Jan Diehm & Amber Thomas at The Pudding


Politics & Global

GOLD WINNER: Bussed Out: How America Moves its Homeless by Nadieh Bremer & Shirley Wu with The Guardian

SILVER WINNER: The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant by Anna Flagg

BRONZE WINNER: Elected Leaders are Making the World Less Democratic by Lauren Leatherby & Mira Rojanasakul at Bloomberg

Science & Technology

GOLD WINNER: What Happens to the Plastic We throw Out by Brian T. Jacobs, Jason Treat & Kennedy Elliott with National Geographic

SILVER WINNER: Dynamic Planet Interactive Scientific Poster by Science Communication Lab

BRONZE WINNER: Artificial Senses by Kim Albrecht with MetaLAB Harvard



GOLD WINNER: MULTIPLICITY by Moritz Stefaner, Dominikus Baur & Christian Laesser

SILVER WINNER: DayDohViz by Amy Cesal

BRONZE WINNER: The Long Run by Will Stahl-Timmins & team for The BMJ


GOLD WINNER: Life in the Camps by Weiyi Cai, Simon Scarr, Darren Schuettler for Reuters

SILVER WINNER: Rape in India by Aditya Jain

BRONZE WINNER: Mass Exodus by Weiyi Cai, Christian Inton, Simon Scarr, Jin Wu & Karishma Singh for Reuters

Visualization & Information Design

GOLD WINNER: by Shan He & team

SILVER WINNER: Chartable. A Blog by Datawrapper.

BRONZE WINNER: From Data to Viz by Yan Holtz & Conor Healy


Breaking News


GOLD WINNER: How the Thai Cave Rescue Mission Unfolded by South China Morning Post

SILVER WINNER: What Lies in Irma's Path by FiveThirtyEight

BRONZE WINNER: Trump's Trade War by Manuel Bortoletti




JOINT WINNER: 30° by Stephan Schakulat, Mathias Foot, Janna Nikoleit & Franziska Rast

JOINT WINNER: Shifting Gears: Visualizing Cycle Rides by Hardik Chandrahas


Most Beautiful

Simulated Dendrochronology of U.S. Immigration 1790-2016 by Pedro M Cruz & team with Northeastern University & National Geographic


Non-English Language


Satellites: 60 Years in Orbit by Rossiya Segodnya

Community Vote


Historia de Zainab by Visualizar

Impressive Individual


Lena Groeger: What Happened to all the jobs Trump promised? - alongside a large body of work for ProPublica and other publications. 


Rising Star


Roni Levit with Physical Diagram - Interventions In Public Space


Outstanding Outfit

Reuters Graphics Team, for entries including Mass Exodus


Many thanks to everyone who entered their outstanding work, our marvelous judging panel, the voting public, and our sponsor Kantar.

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Posted in Awards — over 6 years ago