
Drum Roll: The 2019 Longlist Is Out

The 2019 Information is Beautiful Awards Longlist has been selected out of the hundreds of entries in our glorious Showcase. Congratulations to everyone who made the cut - your talent and creativity is overwhelming, in the best way.

:: Discover the 2019 Longlist


Hot Topics in 2019

Inequalities & Disparities

Many entries on this year's Longlist examine inequalities in how we live, work & drive - even in the instruments we play. These works explore the damning data with a keen eye for the racial, cultural & systemic factors that give rise to these conditions.


Hong Kong

The protests in Hong Kong have captured the news cycle this year. Our creators explore the conditions on the ground - from skyrocketing housing costs, to the intricacies of measuring mass movements, to differences in how the rule of law is applied in HK & China.



The world's democracies have been under close scrutiny lately - and that is reflected in our Longlist, with projects covering elections in the EU, US, Brazil, UK & India.



The final frontier is a perennial topic of fascination, and this year's Longlist is no exception. We have projects celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Apollo missions & the 30th anniversary of the Soviet shuttle "Buran", a catalogue of space junk, a comprehensive space atlas - even a guide, if you're so inclined, on how to profit in space.


Explore the Longlist by Category

Arts, Entertainment & Culture

News & Current Affairs


Leisure, Games & Sport

Maps, Places & Spaces

Science & Technology


Politics & Global

People, Language & Identity

Visualization & Information Design


Spot an error? Need help? Contact us

If you'd like to add a translation, update the credits, provide a web link or if you spot a duplicate or any other error, please email us - we're here to help.


Tell the World

Made it through the first round? Feel free to shout. @-mention us on Twitter (@infobeautyaward), Facebook & Instagram and include an image of your work. We'll do our best to share & retweet as much as we can. 

Posted in Awards — over 5 years ago