
Most Popular Longlist Category in 2019

This year, Science & Technology came out on top as the category with the most Longlisted entries - over 100.

Many submissions brilliantly address how scientific advancements are addressing some of humanity's most pressing problems & possibilities - like agricultural forecasting, self-driving vehicles, healthcare & climate change.


Other works chase after that muse of creators everywhere - the 'what if?' rabbit trail. These vizzes yield stunning results on a range of curious & delightful topics - exploring what Neil and Buzz got up to when they were up there for the first time; pinpointing the position of the sun through an explosion of color; having an AI do the hard work of recipe creation for us.


And one especially mind-bending project is working to uncover the origins of the universe.


As usual, we're in awe at the sheer creative prowess of the dataviz community. Explore more of their outstanding works here.


:: Winners in the 2018 Awards

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Posted in Awards — over 5 years ago