Rome Metro Map by Christian Spreafico

The project of a fantasy subway in Rome meeting the main famous buildings and monuments in more than 2700 years of history.

They are 8 tematic lines about historic periods: (L1) Ancient Roman Kingdom, (L2) Ancient Roman Republic, (L3) Ancient Roman Emperor, (L4) Early Christian, (L5) Medioeval, (L6) Renaissance, (L7) Baroque and (L8) Contemporary.

The stations are the most visited buildings: churches, temples (civil and from other religions), governative palaces, stadiums, plazas, theatres, villas, forts, arcs and gates.

Each building has been assigned to the relative period on the basis of the period of construction and the architectural style. Speacial stations (white circles) intersect more lines and they represent the buildings updated during centuries in different styles.
