One of Batman's most iconic stories is a year-long mystery with murders occurring on on major holidays. This visual walks the reader through the story in a circular calender, the inner bars...
"So, You Think You Know the 2000's?" is a node-link visualization that highlights the 10 most popular songs from 2000 to 2009. The infographic explores the different genres that were most popular,...
Ruas do Género: Exploring Gender Representation in Urban Toponymy
"Ruas do Género" is a visual essay that explores the issue of gender representation in the street names of Porto, Portugal. How...
Analysis of the nationality of the competition winners by year indicates that at the beginning most of the golden cyclists were French. Still, during the last decades, there has been more variety.
A visualisation created for Tableau's IronViz 2023 competition that came second in the EMEA region. This visualisation tells the story of England's victorious Rugby World Cup campaign, detailing...
This infographic charts the 3 highest mountains on each of the seven continents across the world. The visualization shows isometric illustration of the 1st highest of all the continents, and uses...
A visualization of all the women who won the Wimbledon ladies' singles' tile in the Open era. The size of the bubble for the players increases as they win more titles. The colors around the bubble...
About 35% of current jobs in the UK are at high risk of computerisation over the following 20 years, according to a study by researchers at Oxford University and Deloitte.
Oxford University...
Climate justice means being fair to all, especially when dealing with climate change. The world is getting hotter, causing illness, destructive weather events, and financial difficulties. The...
When geometry and human intuition meet: What becomes of the intersection between pragmatic visual tools and emotion?
Everybody worries about something. Worrying is an act of the everyday that...
The dataset encompasses information about various colleges affiliated with MIT University, including details about the diverse clubs present within each college. These clubs span a range of...
This work started as a hobby data exploration done in the 3d software Houdini about a single glacier (the Careser) that I have a personal connection with – I climbed the Mt Cevedale several years...
I created this project during a studio course for my minor study in Information Design, which also enriched my understanding of Finland and its politics.
From the parliamentary election in April...
**The context:**
Imagine for a moment that you are still a teenager and an artist came to your school to build a project with you and your classmates. That is what “Planea” is enabling. Planea...
Ever since I can remember, I’ve loved watching musical performances on YouTube. I’m not talking “concert” footage, but edited YouTube videos of bands, artists, and music producers. There’s...
The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2023 presents interactive storytelling and data visualizations about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It highlights trends for selected targets...
OpenFlights Airports Database contains over 10,000 airports, train stations and ferry terminals spanning the globe. Feel free to query all airports on this map.
Africa’s small farm sizes have led to low crop yields compared to other regions. This, coupled with increasing global demand for agricultural commodities, has posed economic risks for emerging...
Lab24, the visual area of Il Sole 24 Ore, has recently published “Italian succession”, a special longform that illustrates the stakes of Silvio Berlusconi's entrepreneurial legacy, enriched by data...
During 2020 in Mexico, 54,313 agrarian subjects were benefited with the granting of certificates and titles distributed 19,852 to women and 34,461 to men.
The state with the greatest gender...
The report presents the generation, collection and treatment of waste in Mexico City. This process is represented in a data visualization that shows how many tons of waste are generated by the city...
I was curious to understand the invisible threads between people, what the work and social connections look like at Barabasi Lab. With the help of a custom-made script, all active colleagues filled...
Thanks to the advances in technology and the drop of launch costs, launching satellites has become more feasible than ever. It is expected that more than 20,000 satellites wil be launched within...
Mental health conditions during pregnancy or in the first year after birth can affect anyone, including those with no previous experience of mental health problems.
It’s estimated that as many as...
What is the definition of drought?
The drought problem due to climate change is frequently in the news. But what exactly is drought? When I consult the site of KNMI (The Royal Netherlands...
In 2023, the 75th anniversary year of the Italian Constitution, the WITHUB publishing group represented the Charter using an interactive data journalism project. This work, which then became one of...
When I Was Your Age is a data visualization project focused on understanding the difference in spending habits of the average American across generations. The project uses public data from...
Market Map is an experimental data visualization project that explores new ways of visualizing the US stock market data. We believe that the map can help the wide audience of people interested in...
A multi-angle analysis of the 2022 UK housing market, which breaks the (positively-skewed) dataset into quartile groups based on house price with a top outliers group for the stately homes and...