People depend on a healthy ocean. It regulates our climate, provides a vital food source for three million people and supports the livelihoods for hundreds of millions. But one of the biggest...
On Jan. 14, the Iranian tanker Sanchi sank in the worst oil shipping disaster in decades, killing all 32 crew onboard. Water contaminated by the cargo of toxic condensate oil and the ship’s fuel...
The visualization was created using Tableau software, Mapbox, and some of the design elements were created with Figma. The data preparation was done using Tableau Prep. This visualization was...
This infographic shows the etymological descent of the names of the deities worshiped by some historical civilizations, from those of the oldest Indo-European pantheon. For each Indo-European...
For the first time, representative data on the spread and resonance of QAnon conspiracy narratives in Germany and Austria is collected and evaluated. The report combines these findings with an...
Bernwood & Steinward used data that have been gathered by the fantastic fan website This fan collective has collected all the data of U2 shows from the early years until the most...
The choropleth map shows the mean Euclidian distance to roads for each of the 11.224 municipalities of Germany. The darker the color, the larger the average distance.
The visualization makes use...
Mass shooting fatalities have dramatically increased in the United States over the last ten years. We are still in mid-2019, and we count 25 deaths in 4 incidents.
This visualization shows the...
The next five years of Chinese leadership lie in the hands of the 20th Party Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This nuanced political system is built on a dizzying array of connections...
This piece was inspired by the many friends, acquaintances, and colleagues I have spoken to over the last 12-18 months about the safety and efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines. As an Epidemiologist at...
The world’s population is getting older. Japan is on the forefront of this demographic trend that will affect Germany, China and Italy in coming years. This piece explains which countries are...
This data visualization shows the resistance of Salmonella and E. Coli in food, animals and humans, country by country.
It is based on the results of the European Union summary report on...
From First Spark to the Personal Computer
From Michael Faraday to Steve Jobs, innovators have improved upon the work of those before them—in both direct and indirect ways—to push human progress...
Interactive data visualization for users to search through farmers markets operating in the U.S. in 2019. Data sourced from the Farmers Market Directory maintained by the Agricultural Marketing...
The objective of this project was to communicate a complex, authoritative, and interactive public-facing chronology of the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, that showed the spread of...
A visual analysis that presents 95 significant parties in 18 countries divided into seven party types based on the political goals and kind of society each type wants to achieve.
Regional Weather Myths explores several questions:
Are our summers getting warmer and drier? Do real summers and winters even exist anymore? Are floods on the agenda in the region?
It all started...
Dozens of countries are evaluating or already using digital currencies. This project tracks the current worldwide progress in adopting the new money on an interactive map with innovative filters.
First discovered in 2015, LIGO and Virgo have since detected 50 gravitational wave events. These ripples through space time itself are caused by the violent collisions of black holes (and/or...
Stolen Memory (Memoria Robada) is a multimedia, data-driven investigation about the cultural heritage trafficking in the country. This investigation was part of a transnational project in five...
As Avengers assemble with characters from all corners of the Marvel universe, this graphic will tell you who fights whom, who has a hellish sister, and more.
An image which illustrates a fascinating visualisation of Twitter conversations about breast cancer, created by a team at RCSI (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland), has been unveiled as a winner...
The oceans are full of rubbish: around ten
million tons of plastic flood the world's oceans every year. Single-use plastic is mass-produced but rarely recycled. The structures for collecting and...